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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president

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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president  Empty Iraq, ending a full year without a president

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2013, 10:42 am

    Iraq, ending a full year without a president

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    Monday 16, December 2013 - [Baghdad - where] Report: Ammar al-Masoudi

    Over the year the illness of President Jalal Talabani, amid controversy over the position and benefits of constitutional and electoral next.

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    Talabani had suffered a stroke in 17 of the last month of December 2012 and was admitted to the Medical City hospital in Baghdad and medical delegation visited Germany to stand on his condition and decided to move it after three days to the German capital for the purpose of treatment.

    After a steady drumbeat of news about the deteriorating health of Talabani denies that his doctor authorized to declare the governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Omar Karim emphasizes improvement of the situation of the President and he is recovering, says that Hero Talabani, the wife of the President. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan denies any trading name to succeed Talabani, both in his party's presidential or because of illness.

    The period saw the treatment of Talabani many political events missed by the President of the Republic and that he was seeking for several months last year to convene a national meeting to resolve the crisis between the political blocs, but his health was not helping him from his contract.

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    Over the months, the absence from the political scene Talabani calls have been mounting to hold office and was the most prominent of those calls House Speaker Osama Najafi and the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr criticized the Kurdistan Alliance, those calls confirming the constitutionality of his stay in office.

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    During the period of absence Talabani took the MP only remaining vice president Khodair al exercise the functions of the presidency, which received the credentials of the ambassadors and the ratification of the laws and the presence of Arab and international conferences.

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    And demanded the prosecution of the Presidium of the year in 13 of the last May in an official letter to the presidency of his mission, the need for the House of Representatives election for the President of the Republic of vacant office pursuant to the provisions of Article [72] of the Constitution of the fact that the President is absent from the office for some time.

    For its part, described the parliamentary legal committee on the tongue of its president Kurdish lawmaker Khalid Huani asked the public prosecution to elect the President of the Republic, rather than President Talabani as "contrary to the Constitution and that demand is not the prerogative of the prosecution."

    On the political front has shown some blocks fears of continuing vacuum presidency of the Republic and the absence of Talabani him to the fact that his first deputy [Khodair al] belongs to the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and two from a single block with the absence of second deputy Tareq al-Hashemi [who is currently in Turkey] and sentenced him to death in absentia on charges of criminal, to pass laws may violate the balance and political maturity.

    It is said that the Iraqi constitution contains clauses in the constitutional procedures in the event of the vacancy of the President of the Republic in the cases of death or disability.

    In the article [75] Third, the Constitution provides that "The Vice President shall replace the President when the post is vacant for any reason, and the House of Representatives elect a new president, during a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of the vacancy," the Constitution contains another clause relating to a vacancy has occurred In the absence of the Vice President of the Republic is the fourth paragraph, which states that solves the Speaker of the House, the president replaced in the absence of a deputy, that the new President is elected within a period not to exceed thirty days from the date of the vacancy. "

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    The publication of the presidency in the May 17 of last pictures of President Jalal Talabani, with a team of doctors who treated him at a hospital in Germany, in his first public appearance since the five months following a stroke in the brain in 17 of the last month of December 2012.

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    As said Najm al-Din Karim, authorized to declare the health of the president, that the health of President Talabani continues to improve, pointing out that his return to the homeland mortgage decision of the medical committee. Also announced cream in 18 of last August that "Talabani injured, inflammation of the bladder and sewer Urinary have been subjected to treatment in Berlin. "

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    And escalated calls for the need to fill the presidency of the Republic, where new House Speaker Osama Najafi claim so, saying that "the deterioration of health, which passes by the President of the Republic if the stop barrier without the possibility of returning to carry out its functions must elect a new president," adding that "the family of the President of the Republic has apologized and refused a request by five months ago almost to visit Talabani and check on his health and learn things constitutional and legal for the post but the family apologized indicating that the President is undergoing treatment and can not see him, "announcing" his intention to apply for another in this regard to know the health status and the possibility of returning as president of the republic. "

    In response to the request of the Kurdistan Alliance Najafi as "not from his duties call for that."

    The MP, but Talabani told all of Iraq [where] that "the spokesman for the health of Talabani's presidency is a possibility of Astmrah decide whether or not his duties and not Najafi."

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    Did not affect the absence of Talabani on the Iraqi political scene year, but the impact is clearly on the political scene in the Kurdistan region and has produced so clearly the parliamentary elections for the province that resolves the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by Talabani in third place in terms of the seats in parliament by winning [18] seats which promise some of his party's deputies "setback of the National Union."

    The party has ruled out near Union named a new secretary general of the party, the successor to Talabani "unlikely" to change the crew leaders entirely due to the loss of the party in the recent parliamentary elections for the Kurdistan region. "

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    In the evolution of security impressively assassinated by unidentified gunmen on 20 of the month of November last [Tharwat Mohamed Rachid] Protection Officer Talabani after he broke into his home city of Sulaimaniya and shot him what shot him dead on the spot and fled to an unknown destination on the same day that he was preparing the victim back to Berlin to visit Talabani, who treated there.

    For its part, announced Sulaymaniyah Security Directorate [brave], the day after the assassination for killing, one of the accused armed clashes with him in the city of Sulaimaniya.

    The information indicated that three people were behind the assassination of the official implementation of the protection of Talabani after raiding his house in the neighborhood [Kanye Pa. east Alslemyanah was found dead with two bullets in the chest and head inside the kitchen of his home.

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    The newspaper published a "dress" the Kurdish news story earlier this month about the health of Talabani, saying he was transferred from the hospital to an unknown German.

    The newspaper quoted Kurdish source described as "reliable", "The second floor of the hospital where he lives Talabani, who was forbidden to visitors became open to visitors to the hospital, which is called" ery Clinic "in Berlin.

    The source pointed out that according to the newspaper "guards Talabani's 9 people have left the hospital, leaving them with effect, pointing out that" they also left the Hotel Adlon, who were staying overnight in it. "

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    The newspaper quoted its source "abruptly disappeared Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and protect him from the hospital, and when we asked where you went to him did not give one any information about them."

    The source familiar with that Talabani is undergoing a "clinical death He currently lives on medical devices only months ago and untrue to the news of his death or prepared remarks is available for newspapers daily and medical staff transport the President of the floor to another floor in the same hospital with some medical devices has its own", referring to "The number of Iraqi officials, including the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, had tried to visit the hospital administration but prevented from doing so."

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    After conflicting news about the health of Talabani published media last Wednesday Kurdish new images of the president, which seems in good health. Talabani and appeared with members of his family chats with them.

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    These images have provoked reactions and celebrations among the Kurds and the regiment's Presidential presidency, where they opened fire randomly in the air and heavily celebration presented a new image to Talabani.

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    He dismissed observers survival Jalal Talabani, who presided over Iraq's two terms terms in office after parliamentary elections next April 2014 and has no right to run for a third term as defined according to the Constitution, or even have a role in the next stage because of illness, which has hampered the completion of his political career.

    About his life:

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    Born Talabani [the son of Sheikh Hossam El Din Sheikh way Qadiriya Talabani, in Kirkuk, northern Iraq, in the village of Klkan to spend Koi Snjaq near Lake Dukan. Join the Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Mullah Mustafa Barzani in 1947, when he was 14, and began his political career in the early fifties as a founding member of the Student Union of Kurdistan within the KDP, and live in the party ranks quickly where chosen as a member of the CPC Central Committee in 1951, after only 4 years of joining the party at the age of 18 years.

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    Talabani joined the Faculty of Law, 1953, after the failed attempts to join the faculty of medicine as a result of the obstacles that put in front of him by the authorities in the monarchy in Iraq, and because of his political activities. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Baghdad in 1959, and joined the Army after graduating as part of the military service, which was the duty of the Iraqi citizen performance after graduating from college or after reaching 18 years of age. He served in the Iraqi army as an administrator for a military armored battalion. In 1961, he participated in the Kurdish uprising against the government of Abd al-Karim Qasim. After the coup against Qasim, led by Talabani, the Kurdish delegation for talks with the new President Abdul Salam Arif in 1963.

    Have begun to show fundamental differences between him and the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Mustafa Barzani He joined in 1964, the group broke away from the Kurdistan Democratic Party to form the political bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which was led by Ibrahim Ahmed, who later became Hama.

    The group dissolved in 1970, after he signed the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the government peace agreement within agreement autonomy for the Kurds.

    After the collapse of the Kurdish movement led by Mustafa Barzani, on the aftermath of the Algiers Convention, which resulted in the withdrawal of support of the Shah of Iran to the movement of Barzani and thus to a full stop to the armed conflict between the Kurds and the Iraqi government and the foundations of Talabani, with a number of his comrades Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), 1975. The socialist party and a year after its formation, the party began a military campaign against the central government. They stopped the campaign for a short period in the early eighties in the midst of war Iran, where the Chairman of the former regime of Saddam Hussein Disputes and negotiations with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, but those negotiations failed and the conflict started again until I got to the party, Jalal Talabani setback stiff and forced then Talabani to leave northern Iraq and resort to Iran .

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    Began a new era in the political life of Talabani after the invasion of the former regime of Kuwait and the Kurdish uprising in the north against Saddam's regime. The birthplace of the Declaration of the Western alliance on the no-fly zone formed a haven for the Kurds, to the beginning of a rapprochement between the KDP, led by Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani. The elections were held in the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq, and was formed in the year 1992, joint management of the two parties after it was control of the party in the province of Sulaimaniya, Talabani and Barzani's party on the provinces of Arbil and Dohuk. However, the tension between the two parties led to a military confrontation in the year 1996. After strenuous efforts of American and British intervention, the result of numerous meetings between delegations of the two parties Barzani and Talabani signed a peace agreement in Washington in 1998.

    After 2003, the two sides rolled up their differences entirely to form a joint leadership. And appointed two later in the Iraqi Transitional Government. Many of the Kurds have signed a petition calling for a referendum on secession, but their leaders have confirmed that they will not demand only autonomy within the framework of a unified Iraq.

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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president  Empty Re: Iraq, ending a full year without a president

    Post by Neno Mon 16 Dec 2013, 12:11 pm

    Nothing new here.
    Cain't Let Go Investor
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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president  Empty Re: Iraq, ending a full year without a president

    Post by GWT54 Mon 16 Dec 2013, 1:20 pm

    No big deal, we haven't had one for 5 years. JMO
       Good article though...
    Understood Investor
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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president  Empty Re: Iraq, ending a full year without a president

    Post by slj9999 Mon 16 Dec 2013, 5:07 pm

    GWT54 wrote:
    No big deal, we haven't had one for 5 years. JMO
       Good article though...

    LOL... Good one GW.  It is the truth!
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    Iraq, ending a full year without a president  Empty Re: Iraq, ending a full year without a president

    Post by fonz1951 Mon 16 Dec 2013, 8:52 pm

    seriously? we haven't had one in at least 30 years or more.

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