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    Abadi visits the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine and confirms: what you have

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi visits the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine and confirms: what you have  Empty Abadi visits the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine and confirms: what you have

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Aug 2018, 3:46 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    2018/08/22 11:38

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Agency ) - Baghdad / Al-Ghad Press:

    Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi on Wednesday inspected the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine, stressing that what they achieved astonished the world. A statement from the office of al-Abadi said, "The commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi, Today, our heroic security forces were wounded by the army, the police and the popular crowd in the City of Medicine Hospital. "

    "The security forces are the makers of the victory that has been achieved against terrorism and we will not forget them, and the Iraqis will not forget them," Abadi said. "Their blood, the blood of the martyrs and the steadfastness of the heroes have enabled us to win, liberate the territories and restore security and stability to all regions of Iraq." And raise the name of Iraq high. "The statement said that" Abadi briefed on the services provided to the injured, and was instructed to make maximum efforts to care for them to complete their treatment and recovery. "

    Note: The content that is entitled (Abadi inspect the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine and confirms: What you have achieved astounded the world) Posted first on the site (Al-Ghad Press) and does not bear the encyclopedia of this news day content in any way. 
    You can find out the details of this address. (Abadi visits the wounded of the security forces in the city of medicine and confirms: what you have achieved astounded the world) through its original source any (Al-Ghad Press).

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