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    Parliament accuses Barzani of "excellence" between the cities of Kurdistan in solving the problem of

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    Parliament accuses Barzani of "excellence" between the cities of Kurdistan in solving the problem of Empty Parliament accuses Barzani of "excellence" between the cities of Kurdistan in solving the problem of

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Jan 2014, 6:50 am

    Parliament accuses Barzani of "excellence" between the cities of Kurdistan in solving the problem of providing liquidity in banks

    Wednesday 08 January 2014 Sulaymaniyah - Awan

    Accused a member of the Kurdish parliament, said on Wednesday the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region distinction between the cities of Kurdistan region against the backdrop of a lack of liquidity in the banks in the Sulaymaniyah and delay the employees' salaries.

    Banks and witnessing the province of Sulaymaniyah crisis, the failure to provide liquidity Ldv salaries of employees and retirees, as well as payments to companies that implement government projects.

    Dr Ezzat Saber member of the Kurdish parliament on the mass of the Patriotic Union that "the problem of the lack of liquidity stand out from time to time in the province of Sulaymaniyah without we can see a solution to that problem in banks such as Erbil and Dohuk," adding that "Arbil solve the problem of lack of liquidity by resorting to revenue oil and put it in the banks. "

    And that "the delay of the federal budget is not affected by the banks in Arbil, Sulaimaniya banks affected by this delay."

    The Saber said, "What we are seeing is visible and in fact is discrimination in solving problems, and we have reached the conviction that Barzani is a distinction between Arbil and Sulaymaniyah," he underlined, "It's Aaadalh in revenue distribution of wealth

    Saw the province of Sulaymaniyah crisis itself in March of last year, the same problem, prompting a member working body of the Political Bureau of Mullah Bakhtiar to write about the subject in his newspaper (Joder), saying that "there are bags full of dollars in the cellars of some houses, while banks are suffering from bankruptcy, describing economic policy of the Government of the region as "failed".

    In response, government spokesman Sven Daza Yi on those remarks, calling Mullah Bakhtiar to "uncover a place to store those dollars cellars and unintended."

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