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    US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions

    Admin Assist
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    US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions Empty US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Sep 2018, 9:15 am

    US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions[/size]
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     8 hours ago

    The US State Department has warned its citizens against traveling to Iraq, the second step in the past 24 hours, after warning its citizens yesterday at the US consulate in Basra, southern Iraq.

    "US citizens in Iraq are very vulnerable to violence and kidnapping," the State Department said in a statement on its website, "Many terrorist and insurgent groups operate in Iraq and regularly attack Iraqi security forces and civilians."

    "Sectarian militias may also threaten US citizens and Western companies throughout Iraq," the statement said, adding that IEDs frequently occur in many parts of the country, including Baghdad.

    "The US government's ability to provide routine and emergency services to US citizens in Iraq is very limited," the US State Department ordered the US State Department to leave US consulates in Basra on September 28, 2018. The US Citizen Services Department (ACS) US in Baghdad to provide consular services to US citizens in Basra. "

    "Citizens of the United States should not travel through Iraq to Syria to participate in an armed conflict, where they face serious personal risks (kidnapping, injury or death) and legal risks (arrest, fines and evictions)." The Kurdistan Regional Government said it would impose prison sentences of up to 10 years On individuals who cross the border illegally, in addition, fighting on behalf of or supporting designated terrorist organizations is a crime that could lead to sanctions, including imprisonment and large fines in the United States. "

    "Due to the risk to civil aviation operating in or near Iraq, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a NOTAM notice or a Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR)." For more information, United States refer to the ban, control and notices issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. "

    CNN reported that missiles were fired at Basra airport in the early hours of Friday morning, but did not hit inside the US airport or consulate located near the airport.

    Residents in Abusheir district, north of Basra, said they heard the sound of two rockets fired at 1:20 am local time towards the general area at Basra airport, while witnesses said the rockets fell outside the airport's borders.

    For his part, a spokesman for the US State Department told CNN that the consulate was not harmed, stressing that the US State Department is closely monitoring the situation and that the safety and security of Americans is a top priority.

    White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a previous statement that the United States would respond quickly and firmly to defend the lives of its citizens, accusing Iran of using its arms in Iraq to attack US installations, and supported by money, weapons and training programs for this purpose.


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    US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions Empty Re: US new warning policy for its citizens in Iraq: Beware of these factions and regions

    Post by Lobo Sat 29 Sep 2018, 11:21 am

    Thanks Rocky, sure wish they would get it together over there and RV before the Middle East goes up in flames.  Sending prayers for peace.

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