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    Babylon directed to provide the environment for attracting investment

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Babylon directed to provide the environment for attracting investment Empty Babylon directed to provide the environment for attracting investment

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Jan 2014, 7:37 am

    Babylon directed to provide the environment for attracting investment

    1/26/2014 0:00

    Baghdad morning
    Examined the Investment Commission of Babylon and a joint Iraqi-Dutch companies the possibility of investment in the province of Babylon, and that during her body, insisting on the importance of cooperation conservative circles to provide an attractive investment environment for companies and international capital.
    The deputy chairman of the Commission on behalf of Mr. al-Janabi, that the authority has offered investment opportunities available to them for a delegation from the Iraqi joint Dutch companies who expressed his desire to invest in the province.
    In a related development, Deputy Chairman of the group of companies «global trading grou» Lebanese expressed a desire to invest in Babylon, and said the company's delegation visited the headquarters of the Commission and expressed his readiness to invest in the fields of oil and industry briefed on the investment opportunities available, including within the industrial sector, specifically the industry bricks.
    He said al-Janabi said Babil province has attracted many of the elements of investment in terms of its geographical location and the passage of a section of the highway where the traffic section of the Euphrates River, where as well as for its historical civilization of ancient Babylon.
    He pointed out that the authority Janabi stressed during the meeting with the departments concerned to maintain the importance of cooperation with the state departments of the investment in terms of approvals pertaining to investment projects in order to achieve reconstruction and economic development in the province of Babylon.
    He pointed to discuss several topics concerning approvals of investment projects during a meeting of the single window, including signing contracts for a number of investment projects, including brick factories in hand Shomali and complex food processing and construction industries complex and resort project dreamland of tourism.
    He said among the topics raised at the meeting approvals projects ready-casting plant and factory project plastic bottles and fish farming project by the closed system and the industrial city project in Abu Smeg, as well as the subject of a contract residential complex in terms of my father drowned.
    This meeting was attended by Chairman of the single-window investment committee in the province of Babylon, Mr. Asaad Amuslimawi. Noted that the Investment Commission of Babylon awarded since its inception in 2008 until now (68) vacation investment.

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