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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kuwaiti newspaper: Abadi neglected and trying to return to the lights

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Kuwaiti newspaper: Abadi neglected and trying to return to the lights Empty Kuwaiti newspaper: Abadi neglected and trying to return to the lights

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Jan 2019, 2:03 am

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    Kuwaiti newspaper: Abadi neglected and trying to return to the lights

    Political sources familiar with the exposure of former Prime Minister Haider Abadi to neglect the alliance reform.
    "Abadi feels that he is being neglected, especially after the disintegration of his parliamentary victory bloc and therefore tries to exploit any event or event, which seems secondary, to return to the spotlight," the sources said, quoting the Kuwaiti newspaper.
    She added that the moderate wing, which took power, did not do enough to take care of Abadi and provide adequate assurances.
    And sources go further than that, stressing that the cold in the relations is not limited to Abadi, but there is a clear chill in the relationship between Abdul Mahdi and the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, patron of the alliance «Saron», since they have not met since the formation of the government, and President Barham Saleh himself did not Go after to Najaf.
    Abadi announced last week that the forces of protection of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi surrounded his residence in the government area, and then returned and announced that the latter contacted him, and assured him that he was unaware of any action aimed at him, while government advisers said in televised interviews that what happened Is a misunderstanding between Abadi's "protections" and government forces for organizational purposes within the highly sensitive site.

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