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    Abadi calls for re-evaluation of the political process on the anniversary of the fall of the regime

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Abadi calls for re-evaluation of the political process on the anniversary of the fall of the regime Empty Abadi calls for re-evaluation of the political process on the anniversary of the fall of the regime

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 Apr 2019, 2:32 am

    Abadi calls for re-evaluation of the political process on the anniversary of the fall of the regime

    16:45 - 09/04/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ...
    The leader of the victory coalition Haidar Abadi, on Tuesday, a message to the political forces to commemorate the fall of the regime buried, calling to realize the magnitude of the responsibilities placed on them.
    "Today we are commemorating the anniversary of April 9," Abbadi said in a statement. "We recall the fall of the regime of Baathist tyranny, which only left the state and destroyed its unity, elements and sovereignty."
    He added: "We also recall the anniversary of the martyrdom of the religious authority and the national leader, Mr. Mohammed Baqir al-Sadr, who vowed his life to science and jihad until his Lord met a martyr."
    "The message of the ninth of April tells us: injustice will not last, and that martyrdom will prevail, and that the living nations will not know the defeat, and that the survival and dignity of the people despite the infidels."
    "We as a people can not but win in our battle to win the state and life and dignity, failure is forbidden, and we must overcome the stations of relapse of political experience with more vigilance and insistence on reform."
    Al-Abbadi expressed "the need of Iraq today to re-evaluate the political process and the structure of the state to reform," adding that "patriotism and effective governance and institutional reform and the face of corruption and chaos and dependency of others .. are the pillars of the success of the state, which recognizes the good and dignity, And rampant criminality and widespread corruption and chaos and order. "
    "Our country has won the battles of unity and salvation from terrorism with the power and sacrifices of the people, and we must continue the tasks of reform, building and sovereignty to ensure the integration of our state," he said.
    "All parties and political forces must realize the magnitude of their historic national responsibilities towards the state and its destiny, and be armed with patriotism, patriotism, independence of decision and will to exercise its duties towards the government and the people," he said.
    He concluded by saying: "Let us be our motto: the state first, the state as a nation and as a people, as a system and as a sovereignty ... and first to work for its building, to unite for its unity and to safeguard its sovereignty."

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