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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Growing market demand for the local product

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    Growing market demand for the local product Empty Growing market demand for the local product

    Post by Rocky Sat Nov 30, 2019 5:43 am

    Growing market demand for the local product
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    Baghdad/ Mustafa Al-Hashimi
    Economists have called on government industrial authorities to pump their production into the market, at a time when the public is increasingly willing to enjoy the quality of the national industry, particularly the dairy industry and other food products.
    Economic academic Dr. Majid al-Baydani believes in the importance of continuing the process of supporting the national product by relying on it as essential commodities that affect the daily lives of citizens, especially since all the products of the Ministry of Industry are a mark of excellence from the major international companies and carry the iraqi standard of high quality.
    Al-Baydani said in an interview with Al-Sabah that it is important to take advantage of the abundance of local products stacked in stores, as it provides huge funds that go to import similar materials that lack the most basic elements of quality."
    He stressed the need to "speed up the implementation of laws to protect the local product and tariffs,", pointing out the importance of the cooperation of ministries and other sector bodies with the companies of the Ministry of Industry in marketing their products and delivering them to shops and internal markets and distributing them in all provinces."
    The Ministry of Industry and Minerals announced earlier that a decision would be implemented to require ministries and government agencies to purchase the products of their public companies.
    For his part, economist Nawras Haidar pointed out that "local production is having difficulty in marketing", likely due to the lack of financial allocations or the lack of experience of the owners responsible for marketing, or perhaps because of the lack of mechanisms for the transfer of production or the scarcity of marketing outlets."
    "It is possible to solve all these issues and overcome obstacles by adopting new scientific management methods in order to get the national product to the shops and then the consumers," he said.
    Haidar stressed the importance of "the presence of mobile refrigerated trucks belonging to the Ministry of Industry roaming or standing in different areas of Baghdad to sell the products of Abu Ghraib dairy factories," stressing that "the re-operation of these trucks in residential areas would increase sales of the Ministry of Industry's various dairy products, especially after the introduction of new production lines."
    "The public now prefers to buy and support the national product over its imported counterpart," said economist Zainab Abdul Karim.
    "The purchase of the national product supports the capital cycle at home and limits the exit of hard currency from Iraq because importing consumer items without a domestic alternative leads to the collapse of the country's economy," she said.
    In addition, economic academic Dr. Essam al-Mahaweili renewed his call to strengthen the work of the private and public productive sectors by activating the work of tariffs, which would contribute to the protection of the national product, whether industrial or agricultural, to cover domestic demand, whether partly or in whole, and from the public or private sectors.
    Al-Muhawili alluded to "the need to speed up and coordinate between ministries for the purpose of preparing a careful study of the need and absorption of the market from materials that fall within its jurisdiction for the purpose of balancing imports and national production and applying the Iraqi Products Protection Act No. 11 of 2010 in this regard."
    "There is coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade regarding the import of food and agricultural materials as the sector responsible for this and it has statistics on local production, as well as an agricultural calendar that prevents the import of some locally produced materials," he said.

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    Posts : 1858
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Growing market demand for the local product Empty Re: Growing market demand for the local product

    Post by Proven Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:08 pm

    Thanks Rocky.

    "The purchase of the national product supports the capital cycle at home and limits the exit of hard currency from Iraq because importing consumer items without a domestic alternative leads to the collapse of the country's economy," she said.

    In addition, economic academic Dr. Essam al-Mahaweili renewed his call to strengthen the work of the private and public productive sectors by activating the work of tariffs, which would contribute to the protection of the national product, whether industrial or agricultural, to cover domestic demand, whether partly or in whole, and from the public or private sectors.

    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 60
    Location : Lone Star State

    Growing market demand for the local product Empty Re: Growing market demand for the local product

    Post by Neno Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:17 am

    Kinda why the auto market in the USA is so important!

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