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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Lebanese Hezbollah: America revealed its blatant face as an enemy of Iraq and the Iraqis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271660
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Lebanese Hezbollah: America revealed its blatant face as an enemy of Iraq and the Iraqis Empty Lebanese Hezbollah: America revealed its blatant face as an enemy of Iraq and the Iraqis

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Dec 2019, 2:41 am

    [size=35][size=35]Lebanese Hezbollah: America revealed its blatant face as an enemy of Iraq and the Iraqis[/size]
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    2019-12-30 | 03:49
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    [size=18]The Lebanese "Hezbollah" condemned, Monday, the American bombing that targeted sites for the popular crowd in Iraq, describing it as "brutal and treacherous aggression", targeting Iraqi sovereignty, noting that it revealed America's blatant face as an enemy of Iraq and the interests of the Iraqis.

    And he said, "Hezbollah, in a statement, that it" strongly condemns the brutal and treacherous American aggression against the sites of the Hezbollah brigades in Iraq, considering it "a blatant attack on the sovereignty, security and stability of Iraq and the Iraqi people with all its components, especially the popular crowd that had the upper hand In the face of penitential terrorism, defeat it, and pursue its remnants. "

    The party added that "this aggression reaffirms that the American administration wants to strike the elements of the power inherent in the Iraqi people and able to confront ISIS and the forces of extremism and criminality, who were supported by the American administration on more than one level and are still within its malicious plans and tools in the region, as it reveals its face Blatant as an enemy of Iraq and the interests of Iraqis and their aspiration for freedom and true sovereignty and a secure future. "

    The statement continued: "We ask God, the Exalted, the Mercy, the Mercy, the Grading, the Wounded, the speedy recovery, the families of the martyrs, the patience, and the dear Iraqi people, the victorious victory. ".

    The media announced that the security cell, on Sunday evening , December 29, 2019, from the brigade headquarters suffered 45 popular crowd into three US air strikes, have killed four militants , including commander of the brigade deputy and wounding 30 others.

    As " the popular crowd said In a statement, the attack targeted the leadership of the Al-Jazeera Operations Sector in Anbar Governorate and the location of the 45th and 46th Brigade, and resulted in 19 martyrs and 35 wounded.

    Earlier, the US Department of Defense announced that its air force had carried out "defensive" raids on 5 targets of this armed group in the territories of both Iraq and Syria in response to attacks that had previously targeted US bases in Iraq.

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