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    Iran is upset with Saleh and Turkey demands that its forces be excluded from the decision to remove

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    Iran is upset with Saleh and Turkey demands that its forces be excluded from the decision to remove  Empty Iran is upset with Saleh and Turkey demands that its forces be excluded from the decision to remove

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Jan 2020, 2:00 pm

    Iran is upset with Saleh and Turkey demands that its forces be excluded from the decision to remove foreign forces


    Abdul Mahdi gets the approval of the Kurds to stay in his position
    Sulaymaniyah - Abbas Karizi:
    An informed political source announced that the Kurdistan region stipulated the approval of the federal government for the agreement reached with Baghdad on the oil and budget file, in exchange for its support for the decision of the Iraqi parliament to remove foreign forces from the country. 
    The source added that the regional government is seeking to start discussions with the federal government again in the context of its endeavor to solve the outstanding problems and reach a roadmap to ensure receipt of its dues from the federal budget in exchange for oil delivery to SOMO. 
    The source added in an interview for the new morning, that the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi's visit to Arbil and Sulaimaniya, and his meeting with political leaders in the Democratic Party and the National Union, carried with it a number of important issues, in the forefront of which is obtaining Kurdish support to get the American forces out of Iraq.
    He continued, that the Kurdish objection and a large part of the Sunnis and their rejection of the recent House of Representatives decision to remove foreign forces from the country and put the Iraqi government in an embarrassing position, is its inability to implement the decision, in light of the division between the components of the country, on the one hand, this, in addition to the absence of effective institutions And a government that holds the reins and imposes its hegemony on the joints of governance, guarantees security and stability, and manages the affairs of the country without external dictates. 
    He continued, the other axis that was included in the visit of Abdul-Mahdi was his endeavor to remain in the position of Prime Minister and to obtain the support and support of the Kurds for his re-appointment to the post, pending preparation for early elections and the election of a new government. 
    He added that the leadership of the Democratic Party and the National Union had previously supported Abdel-Mahdi and she still supports his stay in the position of Prime Minister, until the end of his term. 
    Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi had submitted his resignation from his position at the beginning of last December, caving in when the demonstrators wanted to prepare for new elections. 
    The source added that, from the perspective of the United States, Abdul-Mahdi committed two strategic mistakes during the first year of his rule, the first represented by his over-approaching Iran, and the second by signing a number of long-term trade and economic agreements with China. 
    Abdel-Mahdi’s recent moves and his endeavor to win the support of the Kurds for his position in the post came after the recent developments in the country, due to the recent escalation between Iran and the United States and the failure of political forces, especially Shiites, and their failure to reach consensus on an independent candidate for the position of prime minister, as well as his position in favor of removing American forces From the country, which increased the chances of Abdul Mahdi to remain in the position of Prime Minister. 
    Abdel-Mahdi believes that he has become a victim of the mistakes of the political elite that has ruled the country since 2003 and the crises that the political forces have dragged on the country, so he does not want to conclude his political history without any achievement, and he may even be subject to legal accountability for the killing of hundreds of citizens who pretended to demand Reform and fighting corruption and nepotism, so he seeks, and in the absence of any bloc or alliance that supports and defends him, by opposing the presence of the American in Iraq to obtain a new opportunity to remain in the presidency, and work during his re-granting confidence to provide what he was unable to do during the first year of his rule . 
    The source added, Abdul-Mahdi called on the political leadership in Kurdistan to put pressure on the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, to agree to his official assignment to stay in office or head a new government that will manage the country's affairs during the transitional period.
    The source pointed out, that Abdul-Mahdi’s request for his stay in power, even if it is consistent with the desire of the two main parties in the democratic region and the National Union, but that he will put the region again between the anvil of Iran and the hammer of the United States, because if they announce their support for Abdul-Mahdi, this represents a rejected position and against The demands of the demonstrators, and otherwise, they will put themselves in a position of rivalry with Iran and some of the political forces supporting it in the political process. 
    To that, the Paiser Press website stated in a report that Iran, in opposition to the refusal of the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, to assign the candidate of Shiite political parties to the prime minister, sent a strong message to the National Union, in which Saleh held a high position. 
    The report added, "The Islamic Republic believes that the position of President Barham Salih in favor of the demonstrators contributed greatly to the failure of the political parties to reach a consensual candidate close to the prime minister."
    He pointed out that Tehran had expressed its displeasure to the Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni parties of the President of the Republic, and informed the National Union of ending the policy of Barham Salih, and urged him to assign a compromise candidate between the Shiite blocs to fill the position of prime minister. 
    And the website continued, that Iran told the National Union that it supported Barham Saleh's assumption of the position of President of the Republic and is waiting for him to agree to its request to assign the construction candidate to fill the position of Prime Minister. 
    On a separate level, the Besser Press website added that Turkish Foreign Minister Gawcoglu carried a message from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his recent visit and meeting with the political leadership in Iraq. 
    He pointed out that the message called on the leaders in the country to allow the Turkish forces to remain in Iraq until the end of the PKK presence in the region, and not to allow the Turkish forces to include a law to remove foreign forces from the country. 
    The letter also included Erdogan's support to the Iraqi lands unit and confronting any endeavors to divide it, and his agreement to review the oil agreement signed with the region’s government that extends for 50 years, provided that Baghdad guarantees the payment of the debts due to Turkey to the region’s government, and that it sign an alternative agreement to its agreement with the government The region, taking into account Turkish interests.

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