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    Is the resignation of Maliki solution to the Iraq crisis?

    Admin Assist
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    Is the resignation of Maliki solution to the Iraq crisis? Empty Is the resignation of Maliki solution to the Iraq crisis?

    Post by Rocky Wed 25 Jun 2014, 4:37 am

    Is the resignation of Maliki solution to the Iraq crisis?

    Baghdad (Iraq) / Future News 
    Wind seems to be taking place, including the Aasthia Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, for the renewal of the third term. 
    While managed the National Coalition Representative for the component Shiite to unite against the renewal of Mr. al-Maliki, countries agreed regional and global rejection of his policies, and popped calls to step down from power, and to find an alternative acceptable to all parties, in addition to the formation of a government that represents the Iraqi components is real. 
    In the face of the siege imposed on the transfer of information, and an emphasis on media institutions to adopt the point of view of the government, differed visions on the American position, which was expressed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of America, John Kerry, during his visit to Baghdad, The ways the media close to the government, announced a supportive attitude and a supporter of Baghdad without charge, while featured media leaks, here and there, talked about the three letters transferred to al-Maliki Kerry, one of his resignation. 
    This attitude reflects a clear change in American politics specifically, which was supporting the orientations of Mr. al-Maliki strongly, before falling index during his recent visit to Washington, which showed a state of dissatisfaction with the U.S. about the policy, Madfh to cut the visit (as has been said time). 
    The new, this time, that the system affecting the Iraqi affairs, expressed the position of Mr. al-Maliki and his policy in public, not in closed rooms, and took calls also demanded political blocs from within the political process for his resignation, and cut the road in front of him for a third term. 
    If the restraint National pays some to reject foreign interference in this matter, they should look to the issue by the national interest, which is Maabr his former leader in the coalition of state law, Izzat Shabandar, who expressed his refusal to step aside, Mr. al-Maliki, on the basis of Terms and Washington to provide support Iraq's military in the face of the terrorist organization Daash, but asked him to leave the office in order to achieve the national interest. 
    But, you could get the response to stop the deterioration in the country today, or stay the cylinder hear those that talk about the elections, the electoral process despite Maravq of criticism from most of the political blocs, with the exception of Mr. Maliki's bloc. 
    Perhaps the position expressed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, represents the viewpoint of the task here, where stressed that a military solution in Iraq is not enough if there is no political solution, and the formation of a government to meet the demands of the Iraqi people and respect their rights, and the government that kills its people lose legitimacy. 
    This is entirely consistent with the view reference Najaf, which has called for the formation of a new government acceptable to the national scale, and rectify past mistakes. 
    However, the outgoing government, trying to focus on the military side without rethink its policies in regards to the political side, which was the result of what is happening today, which disclosed a spokesman for Mr. Maliki in response to Western calls to change the government, saying: "the West support the military operation in Iraq, Aalmtalibh to change the government. " 
    In this regard, says the head of the Iraqi Institute for Development and Democracy, Ghassan al-Attiyah: "that al-Maliki does not have the ability to deal with a political solution to avoid civil war or partition", blaming him the results of the war that enabled the militants to control large tracts of land, as the commander-in- armed, and invited him to resign. 
    In the opinion of Al-Attiyah, al-Maliki that errors are made the greatest service for "Daash" and make it a haven for marginalized, accusing the ruling authorities to work on the division of Iraq. 
    For its part, is trying to United States of America, to exonerate themselves from any accusation against them on the back of its past support of the owners, and with carve some American newspapers blamed on the al-Maliki government in the worsening situation in Iraq, threw another blame on Obama, amid warnings from the breakup of Iraq along ethnic lines and sectarian lines. 
    Thus narrowing of the episode, and there are calls locally, regionally and internationally, a political solution to the Iraqi crisis begins consensual government without al-Maliki, in addition to a military solution that differentiates between the legitimate owners of the merits and terrorism, which threatens Iraq's unity, stability and security.

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