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    Report: Kurdistan achieved $ 4.5 billion in oil sales 2019

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Report: Kurdistan achieved $ 4.5 billion in oil sales 2019 Empty Report: Kurdistan achieved $ 4.5 billion in oil sales 2019

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 May 2020, 3:04 am

    Report: Kurdistan achieved $ 4.5 billion in oil sales 2019

    10:24 - 04/05/2020

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    The information / translation ...
    A report for the iCord website revealed, on Monday, that the Kurdistan Regional Government issued the verification report issued by the Deloitte Corporation to audit oil production, export, consumption, and revenues in the Kurdistan region of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for the year 2019.
    According to the report that was translated / information / "it was pumped Kurdistan region oil operators 170,977,784 barrels of oil during 2019, with an average of 468,432 barrels per day. In total, the Kurdish region achieved a total of $ 8.438 billion for oil sales last year and by offering various cash payments, tariffs, costs, and other debts, the net cash balance it received from sales remained at $ 4.515 billion.
    He added that “the average price of oil reached 52.68 dollars per barrel while the price of locally sold oil reached 45.94 dollars a barrel and the vast majority of the Kurdistan region’s oil pumped for export went,” indicating that “the Kurdistan Regional Government signed a contract with Deloitte for auditing in 2015 in an attempt to provide Transparency in oil sales, but the company is accused of recording bank accounts that funded drug barons and terrorists. ”
    The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region in 2016 Nechirvan Barzani at the time and the current president of the region have stated that the region's government will not allow Deloitte and Ernst & Young - international auditing firms - to see the terms of the energy agreement concluded with Turkey.
    The report stated that “for many years, transparency organizations, legislators, observers and international organizations have accused senior officials of the Kurdistan Regional Government of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Corruption, especially with regard to the confiscation of oil revenues in Kurdistan, and Kurdistan is considered the most corrupt part of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , according to Kurdish lawmakers and leaked documents, billions of dollars of oil revenues were lost in the region, as the ruling Barzani clan was routinely accused of collecting a huge wealth of oil business for the family instead of serving Population. Ended / 25 z

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