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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Parliamentary Foreign Ministry determines the issues to be focused on at the Iraqi Neighborhood

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Parliamentary Foreign Ministry determines the issues to be focused on at the Iraqi Neighborhood  Empty The Parliamentary Foreign Ministry determines the issues to be focused on at the Iraqi Neighborhood

    Post by Rocky Fri 13 Aug 2021, 7:19 am

    [size=51]The Parliamentary Foreign Ministry determines the issues to be focused on at the Iraqi Neighborhood Conference

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    The Parliamentary Relations and Foreign Affairs Committee confirmed today, Friday, that France and the United States will participate in the Iraqi Neighborhood Conference to be held at the end of this month, while identifying a set of issues to focus on in the conference.
    Committee member MP Dhafer Al-Ani said, in a press statement, that “the countries invited to the conference to be held in Baghdad are concerned with the security and stability of Iraq,” noting that “most of the internal problems stem from regional conflicts and interference in the Iraqi affairs.”
    He added that "the conference should come out with a practical result to banish foreign interference and not raise thorny files related to inter-state differences," stressing the need for "the conference to seek how Iraq can restore its security, health and role in the region."
    Al-Ani stressed that “the independence of the Iraqi political decision is important not only for Iraq, but for all countries in the region,” pointing out “the importance of the conference focusing on the Iraq file exclusively and keeping regional and international differences away from the Iraqi arena.”
    He continued, "Iraq should not be a source of threat to neighboring countries, and should not be a gateway to external and internal interference," calling on the government to "prevent the phenomenon of uncontrolled weapons that are used repeatedly against neighboring countries."
    He pointed out that "the participation of the French president in the conference is encouraging, and the available information indicates that the United States will also participate in the conference," explaining that "these two countries have a major role in the region and their presence is a calming factor."
    The conference on the neighboring countries of Iraq will be held in Baghdad at the level of leaders of Iraq's neighboring countries, with the participation of a number of countries. Iraq had invited a number of presidents and leaders to participate in the conference that will be held at the end of this month.

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