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    Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets

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    cash - Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets Empty Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets

    Post by Rocky Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:07 am

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    Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets

    Shafaq News/ The head of the Iranian Trade Development Organization announced on Saturday that the Iraqi Trade Bank, TBI, has released the frozen Iranian assets it has.
    And the Iranian "Fars" news agency reported that this action came based on the message sent by the head of the Iranian Trade Development Organization to a number of assistants of the Ministry of Industry, Mines, Trade and Agricultural Jihad, about the release of frozen Iranian stocks.
    She explained that "the official in charge of the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Office at the Ministry of Industry, Al-Wondi, sent a letter to the Federation of Food, Pharmaceutical and Health Industries in the country, to submit lists of the proposed materials for import immediately, based on the TBI's release of frozen Iranian stocks."
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    cash - Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets Empty Iran receives cash resources from the Trade Bank of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:00 pm

    [size=36]Iran receives cash resources from the Trade Bank of Iraq[/size]

    Economie| 04:00 - 29/01/2022

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     Baghdad - Mawazine News
    The Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade announced the receipt of foreign exchange resources to Iran that were in the Iraqi Trade Bank, indicating the possibility of using these resources for the benefit of all food, pharmaceutical and health industries in the country.
    And the Iranian news agency IRNA quoted the ministry as saying in a statement today that it had asked all sectors of the food, pharmaceutical and health industries to urgently announce a proposed import list, taking into account the priorities of the country's necessary commodities and not including the goods subject to the embargo in their list for financing from these resources.
    It is noteworthy that Iran has a large amount of foreign exchange resources seized in many countries due to the embargo measures imposed by the United States on it, which affected the economic situation in the country. Ended 29 / h

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    cash - Iraqi bank releases frozen Iranian assets Empty Iran denies liberating its frozen assets in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:01 pm

    [size=36]Iran denies liberating its frozen assets in Iraq[/size]

    political| 07:20 - 29/01/2022

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    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    A member of the Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce, Syed Hamid Hosseini, denied, on Saturday, that there had been any change in the file of Iranian assets frozen in Iraq.
    Hosseini said, "Despite the announcement by the Ministry of Commerce of an agreement with Iraqi banks to release Iranian funds and an invitation by the ministry to Iranian merchants to submit lists of goods that are not subject to sanctions to be imported with frozen balances in Iraqi banks, there has been no change in the file."
    He added, "Although the two parties agreed more than once regarding the Iranian funds frozen in Iraq, the implementation of these agreements on the ground and the use of these funds on a large scale has not yet been achieved."
    Hosseini continued, "There has been no tangible change in this regard, as sanctions prevent the release of Iran's assets."
    Hosseini pointed out that the volume of Iranian assets is between 5-7 billion dollars, which is the value of gas export dues to Iraq.
    The Iranian Ministry of Commerce demanded that businessmen submit lists of goods not included in the sanctions list in order to be imported instead of money, provided that businessmen pay in the Iranian currency, the Toman.
    For his part, the head of the Trade Development Organization of Iran, Alireza Peyman Pak, announced that the Trade Bank of Iraq "TBI" had released the frozen Iranian assets it had.
    In turn, the official in charge of the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Office of the Iranian Ministry of Industry, Homa Al-Wondi, confirmed that she had sent a letter to the Federation of Food, Pharmaceutical and Health Industries in the country to submit lists of the proposed materials for import immediately. Ended 29/R77
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