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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Experts suggest solutions after different responses regarding the repeal of the region's oil law

    Admin Assist
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    Experts suggest solutions after different responses regarding the repeal of the region's oil law Empty Experts suggest solutions after different responses regarding the repeal of the region's oil law

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Feb 2022, 3:28 pm

    [size=32][rtl]Experts suggest solutions after different responses regarding the repeal of the region's oil law[/rtl]

    February 16, 2022
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    Barzani: The federal decision is political, and we will vigorously defend our rights
    Experts suggest solutions after different responses regarding the repeal of the region's oil law

     Baghdad - Qusay Munzer
    Erbil - Farid Hassan

    A statement received by (Al-Zaman) yesterday said that (the Ministerial Council for National Security authorized oil to seek the assistance of consultants and experts from inside and outside Iraq in order to develop a technical and temporal road map in this regard). The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party described the decision of federalism as political, and that the region will defend with all its might the rights of the Kurds, and said in a brief statement received by (Al-Zaman) yesterday that (the decision of federalism is purely political, in opposition to the federal constitution and aimed at antagonizing the region and the federal system in Iraq). "We hope that the governments of Iraq and the region will be able to overcome the obstacles and agree on the oil and gas file, and with this we announce to everyone that the region will defend with all its might its constitutional rights," he added. The two sides have a common understanding to draft a draft federal oil and gas law based on Article 112 of the Constitution), stressing that (the decision of the Federal Court included legal and procedural violations, including the unification of two lawsuits without a legal basis, therefore, this decision is a reason for complicating matters and not resolving the problem). The Sovereignty Alliance said in a statement yesterday that "the court's delay in deciding core issues or resolving them at critical times at the national level will complicate sincere efforts towards resolving crises and pushing the country into unknown possibilities." The expert, Ahmed Musa Jiyad, presented preliminary proposals for the implementation of the federal decision. The Sovereignty Alliance said in a statement yesterday that "the court's delay in deciding core issues or resolving them at critical times at the national level will complicate sincere efforts towards resolving crises and pushing the country into unknown possibilities." The expert, Ahmed Musa Jiyad, presented preliminary proposals for the implementation of the federal decision. The Sovereignty Alliance said in a statement yesterday that "the court's delay in deciding core issues or resolving them at critical times at the national level will complicate sincere efforts towards resolving crises and pushing the country into unknown possibilities." The expert, Ahmed Musa Jiyad, presented preliminary proposals for the implementation of the federal decision.
     Jiyad said in a statement yesterday that (copies of the contracts signed by the regional government for each exploratory field or patch and all amendments to those contracts with documents, accounts, development plans and production data related to the development and production of those fields must be received in order to prepare an alternative standard service contract to replace the contracts for participation in The current production implemented by the region, preparing alternatives to be presented to the contracting foreign companies and then negotiating the values ​​of the basic variables in it, such as service wages and the capital cost recovery rate, as well as coordination with the Ministry of Finance regarding the implementation of the court’s decision as far as the paragraphs related to the region’s share are concerned. in the current year's budget law). Meanwhile, Representative Alia Nassif described the decision as courageous and will restore the right to its rightful place. And she said in a statement yesterday that (the court’s cancellation of the oil and gas law in Kurdistan and the obligation of the regional government to hand over oil revenues to Baghdad, a brave decision that restored the right to its rightful place), calling on the Ministry of Oil to follow up on the implementation of this decision by the regional government). The ministry had won a lawsuit from an American court, which ruled that the region would not appeal to export oil without Baghdad's approval.
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