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    Kerry: {} Daash fighting for the division of Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Kerry: {} Daash fighting for the division of Iraq Empty Kerry: {} Daash fighting for the division of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Aug 2014, 8:20 am

    Kerry: {} Daash fighting for the division of Iraq

    8/9/2014 0:00 

    BAGHDAD morning, 
    Foreign Minister John Kerry, that the only way to stop the progress gangs Daash in Iraq is the formation of a government that includes everyone, and choose a prime minister, pointing out that «the risks to the future of Iraq does not need more clarity». 
    quoted State Department, in a statement yesterday, for Kerry to say that "President Obama has promptly and properly authorize military action targeted and humanitarian assistance mission to the Iraqi people in this moment very difficult as-needed vitality." 
    and added that "the risks to the future of Iraq does not need more clarity, and confirms today's crisis risks deeply. Since the terrorist campaign to Daash against innocent people, including minority Yazidi and Christian and carry business Daash heinous and targeted for violence all warning signs and hallmarks of genocide ». 
    pointed out that «this is to alert the danger of both the need to be reminded, that Daash do not fight on behalf of the year, not fighting Daash for Iraq stronger, but fighting Daash for the division and destruction of Iraq, and does not provide Daash anything to a non-chaotic and senseless and brutal bandits, can not pass a minute to waste with exposure humanitarian crisis tragic and increasing the flow and the fall of the hungry and the sick day ». 
    confirmed that «the United States lead work and lead, nor the world can sit back and watch innocent people die, and we will continue to coordinate with our allies in the region and the international community to help Iraqis cope with the thought brutal Daash which poses a serious threat to Iraq and the region and the United States». 
    , and pointed out that «Obama via unequivocally that he will do what is necessary and what is in our national interest to confront Daash and the threat posed to the security of the region and our security in the long term, it was clear just as important, as you clear during my visit to Iraq in all my discussions with Iraqi leaders and regional, that the way the firm only to stop Daash is to unite the leaders of Iraq, the true and form a government that includes everyone as soon as possible within Atarhm constitutional, including the selection of a prime minister «. 
    stressed «the need to confront the leaders of Iraq's humanitarian and security crisis growing as fast as the pressing required, and they must do so taking into account that Daash benefit from the opportunities unintended any delay in the political process in Iraq «pointing out that« the only party that wins is Daash If avoid Iraqi political leaders make tough choices quickly to tip the balance in favor of the rule of a comprehensive and effective ». 
    continued Kerry said « security and safety of our men and women overseas workers is essential, as we struggle every day with the hard choices to keep the safety of our people «, noting that he will continue to« work closely with Ambassador Beecroft and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Macgork and our team on the ground as we work to ensure the safety of our staff in Erbil Baghdad and throughout Iraq ». 

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