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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Ghazi: The government pays special attention to developing the agricultural sector

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Ghazi: The government pays special attention to developing the agricultural sector Empty Al-Ghazi: The government pays special attention to developing the agricultural sector

    Post by Rocky Fri 01 Apr 2022, 8:03 am

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    Baghdad - conscious
    The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Hamid Naim Al-Ghazi, confirmed today, Friday, that the government pays special attention to developing the agricultural sector.
    A statement by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) stated that "Al-Ghazi, during his participation in the dialogue session within the agenda of the economic workshop in the agricultural sector, which will be held in Baghdad over two days, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Al-Zawra Foundation for Economic Development, To discuss the role of the agricultural sector in the development of the national economy, he indicated that the government paid special attention to the issue of developing the agricultural sector by issuing a number of decisions aimed at supporting agriculture in the country and achieving food security, especially decisions coinciding with the Russian-Ukrainian war, which led to an increase in food prices.
    Al-Ghazi added that "a number of decisions have been taken to achieve food security, the most important of which is to increase the price of receiving the wheat crop, and to support farmers by granting them loans to import modern sprinkler irrigation equipment from global origins with a one-time interest (5%), in addition to voting on the draft law on emergency support for food security and development. The project allocated, within its paragraphs, a classification of financial liquidity to support the agricultural sector, the ration card, and the import of energy, gas and services.
    For his part, Minister of Agriculture Muhammad Karim al-Khafaji called, during the workshop, to “hold a general conference for agriculture in the presence of decision makers, during which a working paper was presented that presented a number of decisions, most notably the formulation of legislation and laws for preserving the value of the local product and determining future steps to advance the agricultural reality in Iraq,” praising the role of "Al-Zawraa Foundation for Economic Development in organizing and holding this workshop, which sheds light on many files related to the development of the agricultural sector and its effects on the development of the national economy."
    The statement continued, "The workshop, in which a number of experts, academics, and heads of relevant unions and federations participated, discussed five main axes that focused on: food security, agricultural investment, import regulation, product protection, irrigation techniques, and ways to support the Iraqi farmer."
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