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    MilitiaMan and KTFA Members: "This All Looks Very Good" 5-29-2022

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    MilitiaMan and KTFA Members: "This All Looks Very Good" 5-29-2022 Empty MilitiaMan and KTFA Members: "This All Looks Very Good" 5-29-2022

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 May 2022, 6:31 pm

    [size=30]MilitiaMan and KTFA Members: "This All Looks Very Good" 5-29-2022[/size]
    Clare:  Finance is finalizing the 2022 budget, and good news for lecturers and contracts
    The Ministry of Finance announced today, Sunday, the finalization of the draft financial budget law for 2022.
    And the ministry’s advisor, Abdul Hassan Jamal, said in a press statement that “the Ministry of Finance has put its final touches on the budget law and has taken into account all the allocations,” noting that “the budget department confirmed several days ago the setting up of financial allocations for lecturers and contract holders, but we are waiting for the next government, because the current government is not It has the power to submit draft laws to Parliament."

    He pointed out that "the financial ceilings of the budget have not been determined definitively, as oil prices have a role, so we must receive the proposed oil prices by the Ministry of Oil and the quantities of oil sold according to agreements with OPEC." 
    And regarding the emergency support law, the ministry’s advisor explained, “The first law was stopped according to the decision of the Federal Court, and the current law is in the process of discussion,” noting that “the law in general is very similar to the law that was suspended, but so far no financial ceilings have been set for this law.” ".
    He stressed that "this law will serve large segments of the population, and it is a very important law," expressing his hope that "it will follow the correct legal methods, so that it will not be challenged by future governments."  LINK
    Clare:  Finance announces the “final touches” of the 2022 budget law
    Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Finance announced the finalization of the budget law for the year 2022, while noting that the allocations for lecturers and contracts were included in it.
    And the Ministry of Finance's advisor, Abdul Hassan Jamal, said in a press statement: "The Ministry of Finance has put the final touches on the budget law and has taken into account all the allocations." He added that "the budget department confirmed several days ago the setting up of financial allocations for lecturers and contracts, but we are waiting for the next government, because the current government does not have the powers to submit draft laws to Parliament,"
    Noting that "the financial ceilings of the budget have not been determined once and for all, as oil prices have a role to play." Therefore, we must receive the oil prices proposed by the Ministry of Oil and the quantities of oil sold according to agreements with OPEC.”
    Regarding the emergency support law, he explained that "the first law was stopped according to the decision of the Federal Court, and the current law is in the process of discussion," noting that "the law in general is very similar to the law that was suspended, but so far no financial ceilings have been set for this law."
    He stressed that "this law will serve large segments of the population, and it is a very important law," expressing his hope that "it will follow the correct legal methods, so that it will not be challenged by future governments."   LINK
    MilitiaMan:  We will have to see if they have actually finished the Food Security Law. The data directly above suggests they have.
    As for the 2022 Budget, they already have the main draft done many many months ago. They'll have a line item adjustment per Frank26 and WS report, imo. So past articles that suggest they need weeks to complete the 2022 is not likely the case..imo
    The articles state above that there is a Finalization of the Budget Law for the year 2022 today.
    In fact they state they have parts of it within just days ago. The below shows that the comments above about not have oil pricing for all allocations looks to be right on time.
     If I am not mistaken there is a call for Iraq to increase to 6 million barrels a day with respect to OPEC terms.. Thus, they may already have the numbers ready to go and this standard purchase licensing rounds is relevant to acceleration of implementation of the development plans for oil fields.
    This all looks very good.. imo
    Now, lets see if they have a work around with the government or not and they seat one. Quickly. There is a law suit that is in motion to dissolve parliament.. Is that the work around they have on the table?
     I don't know, but, sure is too very timely. The timing of the law suit and next weeks parliament session from Sunday (today) postponement out to Tuesday has me very curious.. imo ~ MM

    Oil signs a "standard purchase" document with companies in licensing rounds, and reveals its content
    The Ministry of Oil signed the "standard purchase" document with the licensing rounds companies.
    The Undersecretary for Extraction Affairs, Karim Al-Hattab, affirmed the ministry’s keenness, during the signing ceremony of the standard purchase document approved with the contracting international companies within the oil licensing rounds, “to organize work in the oil sector and find the best forms and mechanisms of cooperation between national companies and international companies, and to achieve common goals in accelerating and implementing The ministry's plans to develop oil fields and maintain and increase production.

    He added that "this document aims to unify and organize the procurement operations of all international companies within the licensing rounds, according to mechanisms and items that were prepared and agreed upon in cooperation with foreign and national companies, and through specialized committees and relevant departments."
    Hattab pointed to "obtaining the approval of the Ministerial Committee for Energy and the Opinion Authority in the ministry to adopt this document," stressing that "one of the global consulting offices will be assigned to evaluate this experience after a year, for the best that we are looking for."
    For his part, the head of BP in Iraq, Zaid Al-Yasiri and the representative of the global licensing tour companies, described that “the signing of this document is a positive step to improve work mechanisms, and this document has been prepared between the ministerial committee and the international companies contracting within the licensing round contracts, benefiting from the experiences of the past years, which Together, we aim to find the best means and mechanisms for contracts and purchases, and to contribute to accelerating the implementation of development plans for oil fields.”
    While the Director General of the Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Department at the National Oil Company, Ali Maarij, praised this document that regulates procurement operations, according to which international and national companies are committed, and considered it a proactive plan towards developing cooperation mechanisms with international companies, praising the role of the relevant committees in preparing this document.  LINK
    Iraqi politicians file a lawsuit against the three presidencies and demand the dissolution of Parliament
     2022-05-29 08:17Shafaq News/
    On Sunday, a number of Iraqi politicians filed a lawsuit against the three presidencies (the republic, ministers and parliament), demanding the Federal Supreme Court, which is the highest judicial authority in the country, to dissolve the parliament.

    "Today, a patriotic group filed a lawsuit against the three presidencies and the House of Representatives, as a result of the latter's violation of its constitutional obligations and the introduction of the country into a constitutional vacuum and waste of public money," said Salah Al-Arbawi, the head of the Awareness Gathering.
    Al-Arbawi explained that "those who filed the lawsuit are Representative Hadi al-Salami, Sheikh Sattam Abu Risha, former Minister Bengin Rikani, Chancellor Farhad Alaeddin, Nadim al-Jabri, Jamal al-Asadi, Qassem al-Abadi, lawyer Ali Kamel Rasoul, Salah al-Arbawi and Ihsan al-Shamri."
    In turn, Jamal al-Asadi said, "Today, we and a group of brothers filed a lawsuit before the Federal Court to demand the dissolution of the House of Representatives as a result of its breach of its constitutional obligations."
    He explained that "one of the requests is to oblige the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to set a date for the House of Representatives elections for the fifth session and to issue a republican decree to that effect during 2022."  LINK
    TIVON:  So now we have the "Ministry of Finance" further confirming the "Emergency Food Security Law" as something that has a legal standing if properly managed.
    As noted by my comments to Godlover' who stated the EFSL has a mini budget which contradict the official statement clarifying that the law has no financial ceiling set for how much can be utilized or allocated to departments and institutions. Which Saleh said would go to multiple areas which included the Food Security Law and the Budget Law.
    We read multiple laws stating how the two are synonymous and will work in conjunction. One will serve the population until a seated government is formed in which the 2022 Budget will come afterwards.
     Ration Cards, Oil & Gas, Electricity, and other things that were discussed in meetings that has yet to be followed up with results.
    Financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, explained that the disposal of financial savings due to the rise in oil prices and their allocation to projects requires two aspects of legislation. Guess what these legislations are? The Food Security Law & The Budget Law. Which will both use the surplus in oil.
    So I am not writing off any possibilities as to how they proceed with using either law in regard to the citizens as they benefit from both sides.
    Quote: Saleh said in an interview with the "National News Center", "The disposal and allocation of savings requires two aspects of legislation, either the issuance of the Food Security and Development Law or the legislation of the Federal General Budget Law for the year 2022, otherwise it is one of the sovereign reserves of the Republic of Iraq in foreign currency."  End quote 
     So what will be revealed Tuesday? The 2nd & 3rd Reading on the Food Security Law? Will they postpone the session again? Will the funds be reduced in the EFSL?
    There is a lot going on that we do not know about that can either help or harm the outcome we seek.
    I have been waiting on Al-Kazemi to discuss both legislative laws and how they relate or help his cause in the caretaker government. Nothing has been confirmed or denied on his part concerning these issues. Which strikes me as very odd.   IMO

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