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    “Ericsson scandal” .. A Swedish company paid bribes to ISIS during its work in Iraq

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    “Ericsson scandal” .. A Swedish company paid bribes to ISIS during its work in Iraq Empty “Ericsson scandal” .. A Swedish company paid bribes to ISIS during its work in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 05 Jul 2022, 9:57 am

    [size=45][size=41]“Ericsson scandal” .. A Swedish company paid bribes to ISIS during its work in Iraq[/size][/size]

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    Baghdad/ Al Noor News 
    The American judiciary considered the information handed over to him by the Ericsson Group in a file of possible corruption in Iraq, including suspicions of paying bribes to ISIS, "insufficient," the Swedish giant announced on Wednesday.
    And the Swedish giant telecommunications company announced on Wednesday that it was targeted again by the US judiciary, after it was previously forced to publicly acknowledge acts of possible corruption in Iraq, including bribes suspected of ending up in the hands of elements of the extremist organization.
    The share of the group, ranked second in the world in the field of communications devices, which was already damaged by this file in recent weeks, fell by more than 11% in exchanges on the Stockholm Stock Exchange on Wednesday morning.
    The case came to the fore last month, before the publication of an extensive journalistic investigation coordinated by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism that was revealed on Sunday.
    And this investigation forced "Ericsson" to publish the conclusions of an internal investigation that talks about possible acts of corruption over the years related to the Iraqi activities of the group.
    These actions include the company's suspicion of paying money for ground transportation operations in areas controlled by ISIS, which is believed to have ended up in the pockets of the jihadists.
    The group’s monitors identified “serious violations of the group’s compliance rules and work ethics” between 2011 and 2019, as Ericsson admitted in mid-February, anticipating the International Federation’s investigation, which was published in about 30 media platforms on Sunday.
    The company said that the investigation did not reveal the "direct involvement" of any employee "in the financing of terrorist groups."
    The latest information puts the Swedish company in an embarrassing position, especially since it is not the first time that it has faced the American judiciary. In December of the year 2019, “Ericsson” paid one billion dollars to the American judiciary to close prosecutions in corruption cases in five other countries, namely Egypt and China. Vietnam, Indonesia, and Kuwait, as part of a deal known as the “Delayed Public Prosecution Agreement.”
    The company said last month that it had previously handed over its internal investigation on Iraq to the US judiciary as part of old investigations, but the US Department of Justice informed Ericsson on Tuesday that the information transferred to it was "insufficient".
    In addition, the US Department found that the company had “violated the settlement agreement” by its lack of transparency in the investigations since its completion in late 2019.
    Ericsson stated that it is in contact with the Ministry of Justice about the file and considers that "at this stage it is too early to predict its results."
    During an urgently called conference call, the CEO of the roughly 100,000-employee group declined to give an assessment of the company's financial risks.
    “We take all of this very seriously,” Director Borgy Ekholm said, adding that the company was making a “cultural” anti-corruption effort. Since the company's first announcement regarding this file, its share has lost about a third of its value.
    In 2017, Ericsson launched a plan that revived the company, after it recorded a decline since 2010 in front of the rise of the Chinese company, Huawei, which robbed it of the position of the first telecom equipment company in the world.
    The company is currently engaged in a difficult battle with Huawei and the Finnish company Nokia to build networks of the fifth generation Internet line in the world, against the backdrop of geopolitical tension between the United States and China related to the issue of the fifth generation and its sensitive equipment.
    This sector is one of the few technological sectors in the world that is not dominated by the United States since the French Alcatel bought the American company Lucent and before Alcatel itself became the hands of Nokia in 2016.
    This is not the first corruption case linked to jihadist groups to appear in public. In September of last year, the French judiciary accused a former Jordanian employee at the factory of the leading French group, Lafarge SA, in the construction materials industry, of “financing terrorism” in Syria. This came as part of a judicial investigation related to the group's activities until 2014 in Syria.
    ISIS controlled vast areas in northern Iraq and neighboring Syria in 2014, seizing all the joints of life and sectors in those areas, before being defeated in 2017.
    Its leader at the time, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed by an American strike in Idlib, Syria, in 2019. In early February, Khalaf al-Baghdadi, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi, was killed after he blew himself up during a landing operation carried out by an American commando unit on a house in Syria where he was staying with his family.
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