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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Water Resources implements a new plan to feed the Marshes of the South and prevent its inhabitants

    Admin Assist
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     Water Resources implements a new plan to feed the Marshes of the South and prevent its inhabitants  Empty Water Resources implements a new plan to feed the Marshes of the South and prevent its inhabitants

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Sep 2022, 5:22 am

     Water Resources implements a new plan to feed the Marshes of the South and prevent its inhabitants from migrating

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    The Government Media Cell revealed the plan of the Center for the Revitalization of the Iraqi Marshes and Wetlands, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Water Resources, to reduce the effects of the current scarcity on feeding the marshes of the southern governorates, and to prevent the migration and migration of its population of fishermen and buffalo breeders in those areas .
    The Director-General of the Marshes Recovery Center Hussein Ali Al-Kinani, in a statement during the visit of the field cell to the Al-Jbayish area in the Dhi Qar governorate, said, "The marshes were affected by the lack of water revenues from the upstream countries in conjunction with the high temperatures for the past three years, which led to the impact of the marshes and areas of inundation significantly. This prompted the ministry to take urgent measures, including launching plans to reduce the effects of water scarcity, confront drought and limit the impact of the lack of supplies in the marshlands .
    He added, "The ministry's plan was for its staff in the Marsh Recovery Center and the maintenance and irrigation departments to expand and deepen the nutrients of the marshes in Dhi Qar Governorate to preserve good quantities of water through available releases, which are received according to the operational program prepared by the National Center for Water Resources Management, which was approved during a meeting The ministry’s summer plan, which included the deepening and expansion of the Hammar Marsh’s feeders on the right side of the Euphrates River and the central marshes’ feeders from the left Euphrates River in Dhi Qar Governorate .
    According to the data, the dredging works and raising the mud deposits are still going on, especially after the expansion and deepening works that the center started to implement at the beginning of this year, where the implemented distance reached 78 km of pathways and streams feeding the marshes, on the other hand, this coincided with the completion of important stages From the Euphrates River Water Improvement Project adopted by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, where the plan contributed to reducing the percentage of dissolved salts in the Euphrates River in Dhi Qar Governorate by half, to reach the current ratio to (1850) parts per million at the beginning of this month, after it was (3545) part of Million at the beginning of the sixth month of this year .

    18 . views
    Added 09/12/2022 - 12:37 PM
    Update 09/12/2022 - 1:19 PM

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