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    Kurdistan Region Health: The number of victims of the Iranian bombing reached 32 wounded and nine ma

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    Kurdistan Region Health: The number of victims of the Iranian bombing reached 32 wounded and nine ma Empty Kurdistan Region Health: The number of victims of the Iranian bombing reached 32 wounded and nine ma

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Sep 2022, 5:00 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Kurdistan Region Health: The number of victims of the Iranian bombing reached 32 wounded and nine martyrs[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    The Minister of Health of the Kurdistan Region announced in a joint press conference with the Governor of Erbil that the number of victims of the Iranian bombing of the headquarters of the Kurdistan opposition parties in the territory of the Kurdistan Region amounted to 32 wounded and nine martyrs.

    In his statement, Saman Barzanji expected that "the number of martyrs will rise, as there are many obstacles that impede the arrival of ambulance teams to the targeted sites to rescue the wounded."

    Earlier today, the Minister of Health of the Kurdistan Region stated that the Iranian bombing of the headquarters of the Iranian Kurdistan parties inside the territory of the Kurdistan Region resulted in the death of three people and the wounding of 16 others, explaining that two deaths were recorded in Koysanjak Hospital, and the third case in a hospital in Erbil.

    According to the information of Rudaw Media Network, a 55-year-old woman named Hajar and a 33-year-old man named Milad died as a result of their injuries in the bombing.

    The bombing of the Azadi camp, which houses the women and children of members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran (Hadaka), resulted in the injury of a pregnant woman who miscarried after being transferred to Koysangaq Hospital. The woman was then transferred in a critical condition to Erbil hospitals.

    In a statement, the al-Hamza base of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, based in Urmia, announced that it had used "Fateh 360" missiles and booby-trapped drones to strike the headquarters of Iranian Kurdistan parties in the Kurdistan Region.

    The Iranian Revolutionary Guards accused the opposition Iranian Kurdish parties of seeking to “stir up sedition.” That is why the Iranian Revolutionary Guards carried out this military operation, which is still ongoing against these parties.

    At about 10:30 a.m. this Wednesday (September 28, 2022), the headquarters of most of the Iranian Kurdistan parties in the Kurdistan Region were targeted by “drones and missiles.” Hadka’s spokesman, Khaled Azizi, told Rudaw Media Network that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards used various types of missiles in The bombings that targeted the vicinity of a children's school in Koysanjak, and the targeted sites are not military, but entirely civilian.

    Subsequently, the correspondent of Rudaw Media Network reported that six other missiles were directed at the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran (Hadka) in Koysanjaq district.

    The correspondent of Rudaw Media Network in Shirawa, Ranja Jamal, also stated that the headquarters of the opposition Iranian Kurdistan Freedom Party in Shirawa were targeted at 1:35 pm this afternoon six times in a row.

    Ranga Jamal added that teams of journalists were present at the targeted site and he called them by phone and told him that they were injured and called for help.

    The head of the Iranian Kurdistan Freedom Party, Hussein Yazdan Banna, told Rudaw Media Network that "there are martyrs and wounded among our ranks."

    For his part, a member of the Central Committee of the Iranian Kurdistan Toilers Association (Komala), Aram Modarisi, told Rudaw that Iran had bombed our headquarters this morning using drones, "and there were no casualties among us...and four houses and headquarters were damaged."

    According to the information of Rudaw Media Network, a 55-year-old woman named Hajar and a 33-year-old man named Milad died as a result of their injuries in the bombing.

    Regarding the damage caused by the bombing, the director of the Martyr Khaled Hospital in Koysanjak, Kawa Saber, stated that the hospital has received 15 wounded and two deaths so far.

    The mayor of Koysanjak district, Tariq Al-Haidari, told Rudaw that “Iran targeted today the fortress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iran (Hadka) in Koysanjak, and the losses are not yet known.” The bombing included Hadka camp and its military sites in Koysanjak.

    Regarding the human and material losses caused by the bombing, the mayor of Koysinjaq district said: “(Losses) are not yet known, because we cannot approach the targeted sites.”

    The videos received by Rudaw show that the bombing operations have affected many different areas of the Kurdistan Region, as the headquarters of the Iranian Kurdistan parties in Zarkweez, Koysinjak and Sherawa were bombed.

    The commander of the Peshmerga units in Bardi (Alton Kobri), Nuri Hama Ali, stated that the Iranian bombing of the headquarters of the Iranian Kurdistan parties led to the "martyrdom and wounding of a number of Peshmerga" and that their headquarters were damaged.

    The correspondent of Rudaw Media Network, Hiwa Husam Al-Din, from a location close to Shirawa, indicates that the bombing hit the center of the targeted headquarters, which resulted in heavy losses to the targeted headquarters, but the human losses have not yet been counted, and there are wounded and deaths.

    The guide of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran, Ibrahim Gokli, said: "The air and missile bombing targeting the headquarters of the parties of Kurdistan Iran began at 10:30 this morning, Kurdistan Regional Time, and is still continuing, and the democratic parties have begun to respond to the planes of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

    The aforementioned bombing affected the headquarters of the parties, schools, and civilians as well, in which children and women were injured, and the total losses are not yet known. The guide of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran adds: “The number of wounded and martyrs is not known for a number, but it is known that the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran are targeted with drones and missiles. “.
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only[/size]
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