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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expert: The next three months will witness the peak of economic recession in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Expert: The next three months will witness the peak of economic recession in Iraq Empty Expert: The next three months will witness the peak of economic recession in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Jan 2023, 8:37 am

    [size=33]Expert: The next three months will witness the peak of economic recession in Iraq[/size]
    • January 7 

    Economic expert Abd al-Rahman al-Mashhadani identified, on Saturday, the most prominent factors that caused stagnation in the local markets, while noting that the delay in approving the general budget law is one of the most prominent problems.
    Al-Mashhadani said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that "the delay in approving the budget law contributed greatly to the state of stagnation in the local markets during this period," noting that "the instability of the exchange rate of the dollar that During this period is also one of the reasons that exacerbated the crisis occurred. recession".
    And he continued, "The next three months will witness the peak of the economic recession because the citizen is currently postponing the purchase process due to the repercussions of the dollar, and the merchant does not import either for the same reasons," noting that " The delay in importing for more than two months as a period for the arrival of goods, goods and services will increase the recession crisis.”
    He pointed out that "the rumors emanating from some quarters are among the factors that do not help the stability of the dollar, given that the citizen believes the rumor of an increase more than a decline."
    And the large local markets in Baghdad and the provinces witnessed a wave of stagnation, which paralyzed the shopping movement. Ended 25 / y
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