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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A Saudi academic writes: Iraq faces two options, and the second is to be lost by the economy and the

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    A Saudi academic writes: Iraq faces two options, and the second is to be lost by the economy and the Empty A Saudi academic writes: Iraq faces two options, and the second is to be lost by the economy and the

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Feb 2023, 6:10 am

    [size=30]A Saudi academic writes: Iraq faces two options, and the second is to be lost by the economy and the future
    [ltr]2023.02.09 - 08:48[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas   
    The Saudi academic, Khaled Muhammad Batarfi, wrote that Iraq is facing two things now: either it will succeed in saving the country’s ship from sinking, or it will accept the rope of salvation from near and far, and the closest ones come first. Either it balances its relations with Iran and others, thus preserving its international relations and its own interests, or it surrenders to the Persian magnet and turns its back on others, thus losing its sovereignty, its economy, and its future finances.  
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    The article of the Saudi professor at Al-Faisal University (February 9, 2023), which was published by “Al-Nahar Al-Lebanese” and followed by “Nass” (February 9, 2023), came as a comment on the visit of the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, to Baghdad, last Thursday, and stated that it aroused optimism Once again about Saudi and Gulf relations with Iraq.  
    Below is the text of the article:  
    summits and agreements  
    In the last three years, especially during the reign of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Saudi-Iraqi summits were held, and important agreements were signed, including the formation of the Supreme Coordination Council, opening the door to billions of Saudi investments, sovereign and private, while protecting them with a law currently being discussed in the Iraqi parliament, and developing an outlet. Arar Al-Barri, to double the number of pilgrims and visitors from one thousand Iraqis per day to five thousand, and to activate direct land shipping of commercial and agricultural products, while allowing the benefit of Iraqi talents in the Saudi labor market.  
    At the regional level, it was agreed to include Iraq in the electricity network, railways and highways of the Gulf Cooperation Council states, with Jordan and Egypt. And raising the level of political and security cooperation between these countries to a level unseen in the past thirty years. Iraq participated with its Gulf brothers in OPEC and OPEC Plus to restore stability to the international energy market and maintain fair oil prices. He also worked to ease the dispute in the region, made peace initiatives, and hosted Saudi-Iranian meetings.  
    Energy security  
    Gulf security is a difficult, critical, and sensitive equation. The reason for this is that the region has the largest oil and gas reserves in the world, and is located at the intersection of strategic air, sea and land routes, and is surrounded by the flames of wars and conflicts. Any reckless spark may cause the world to be deprived of the energy of life and growth, lead it to a massive economic depression, and push it to interventions and confrontations that may herald a third world war.  
    Accordingly, it is in the interest of the world, not only the Arabs, and the residents of the region, that the international community agree to protect this region from reckless bets, expansionist dreams, and terrorist behaviors. It is in the interest to cut off the hands that tamper with the security of the region, risk its harmony, and play on its religious, sectarian and ethnic strings. Any agreement between the population, whether Arab or non-Arab, should be supported and backed, even by those who sought in the past to stir up disagreements, create demons and fan the fire of conflicts, to serve their interests according to the colonial rule of "divide and rule."  
    Iran and Israel  
    The only party that is not happy with these Arab consensuses is the enemies of the Arabs, east and west, and their representatives in the region, Iran and Israel. Tehran's militias in the Fertile Crescent have always stirred up sectarian and ideological strife, dividing Arab society into those loyal to and not loyal to Iran. And providing the first party with weapons and money to achieve victory over the second party and to dominate countries and decision-making. We saw this in five Arab countries, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen. If the rest of the plan succeeded, we would have seen the same scenario in Sudan, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan, all the way to Somalia, Mauritania and the Comoros.  
    In the West, Israel was and still is practicing a policy of separation between brother and brother, inciting the world against them, and seeking to stir up the same strife through its loyalists in the cultural and political elites, and the world of finance and business. Despite the dispute over the nuclear file, the alignment of the Israeli borders, and the support that exceeds the "agreed upon" for the Lebanese and Palestinian militias, Tel Aviv and Tehran agree with the Western plan to control the Arabs. Let us not forget here the "Iran Gate" scandal, which revealed the direct Israeli intelligence and military support for Iran in its war with Iraq, and the presence of dozens of Iranian channels directed to Arabs on Israeli satellites, starting from the Haifa station.  
    Theft and vandalism  
    In this context, we understand the deliberate sabotage of the electrical interconnection network between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Tehran supplies its neighbor with electric power at times its natural price, and gives it and withholds it when and how it wants. It also plays the same game in the water supplies of the rivers and estuaries that feed the Shatt al-Arab and Basra, and controls the natural gas supplies that power generators in Iraqi cities operate on.  
    For the same reasons, the stranglehold on Saudi and Gulf investments is tightened, dollars are withdrawn from Iraqi banks, millions of Iranian visitors storm border crossings without entry visas or identification, and official and forged nationalities are granted to tens of thousands of Iranian settlers. And let's not forget the theft of Iraqi oil, which was referred to by several Iranian sources, not the first and not the last of which, Mrs. Faiza Rafsanjani, a former member of the Iranian Parliament, and the daughter of the late President Hashemi Rafsanjani.  
    convergence mining  
    Therefore, the task of any Iraqi government that seeks rapprochement with its Arab neighbors will be mined from within and threatened by the dominant neighbor. Perhaps the protests of the coordination framework, to which Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani belongs, regarding aspects of cooperation with the Gulf states, even in the field of sports, trade and tourism, confirm this position.  
    An example of this is the loud uproar raised by Iran and its loyalists in Iraq against the (Gulf 25) tournament, especially the naming of the "Arabian Gulf". Although this designation passed peacefully over all previous sessions, in their knowledge that Iraq is not like any other, and what is kept silent about it in the rest of the Arab countries cannot be tolerated in an “Iranian protectorate” that follows the rule of the guardianship of the jurist in Tehran.  
    Peoples enthusiasm  
    In the same context, we understand the popular enthusiasm for the presenter of the Gulf citizen, and the warm welcome of the Gulf masses, especially Saudi Arabia, which is linked to Iraq by ties of lineage, culture and neighborhood. We also understand in the same context the political welcome of Arab Iraqi leaders such as Muqtada al-Sadr, and the sheikhs of Arab tribes and clans, Sunni and Shiite. Iraq remains Arab despite the attempts of the mullahs over twenty years, and it remains part of the Arab Gulf system, no matter how mullahs and Iranian loyalists object.  
    As for the Iraqi governments, they have tried the Iranian bitterness and suffered from the interventions of Tehran, Qom and Mashhad and its hegemony, and found themselves, whatever their political allegiance, before two things: either they succeed in saving the country’s ship from sinking or they accept the noose of salvation from near and far, and the closest ones come first. Either it balances its relations with Iran and others, thus preserving its international relations and its own interests, or it surrenders to the Persian magnet and turns its back on others, thus losing its sovereignty, its economy, and its future finances.  
    It seems that the most correct option is clear, except for those whose vision and opinion are obscured by the banners of Iran.  
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