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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sadiqoun Parliament: The framework agrees on the issue of changes in the cabinet

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Sadiqoun Parliament: The framework agrees on the issue of changes in the cabinet Empty Sadiqoun Parliament: The framework agrees on the issue of changes in the cabinet

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Mar 2023, 6:04 am

    [size=45][size=41]Sadiqoun Parliament: The framework agrees on the issue of changes in the cabinet[/size]
     5 hours ago

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    Today, Monday, the Sadikoun Parliamentary Bloc confirmed that the framework agrees on the issue of changes in the cabinet.
    The second vice-chairman of the Strategic Planning and Federal Service Committee in the House of Representatives, and the representative of the Sadikoun parliamentary bloc, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, said: “The committee, after forming the government, began to study the ministerial curriculum that I presented, and contacted the concerned parties in the Prime Minister’s office in order to transfer this curriculum to a clear program.” Milestones with weights, standards, and measurement of the level of performance provided by the government, which is reflected in the level of performance and services provided.”
    Al-Baldawi added, “We contacted the Minister of Planning to view the group of projects, and these axes and projects were distributed among the members of the committee, each according to his specialization and the areas close to him, whether it was related to the ministry or the governorates,” noting that “the first six months of the government’s life will witness the issuance of the report.” regarding the ministerial curriculum after the meeting with the government performance monitoring and follow-up committee.
    He pointed out that "there is a convergence of views with the Prime Minister's office in terms of mechanisms and standards and agreement on procedural steps for evaluation. There are committees within the Council of Ministers and in the office of the President working - day and night - on follow-up and performance evaluation," noting that the Prime Minister "formed a committee to evaluate The performance of ministers, agents and general managers, and he is serious about isolating the corrupt and the reluctant, fighting corruption within state institutions, and replacing the weak who are unable to bring about change in their circles.”
    He explained that "the process of replacing any minister is very likely, and the coordination framework agrees to support the government and accept the Sudanese proposals on the issue of replacement, as well as the State Administration Alliance is convinced of this mechanism."
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