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    Official disclosure.. How does Barzani read al-Sudani's steps towards corruption?

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    Official disclosure.. How does Barzani read al-Sudani's steps towards corruption? Empty Official disclosure.. How does Barzani read al-Sudani's steps towards corruption?

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Jul 2023, 5:10 am

    Official disclosure.. How does Barzani read al-Sudani's steps towards corruption?

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Friday (July 21, 2023), a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Mahdi Abdul Karim, expressed his party's full support for the measures taken by the government of Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani in fighting corruption.
    Abdul Karim said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", that "corruption is not limited to nationalism, sect or governorate, and it is more dangerous than ISIS, and it must be confronted with all force, and the Sudanese government must be supported to fight corruption and eradicate it."
    He added, "The Kurds and the Democratic Party strongly support Al-Sudani's actions and consider his steps very important and courageous, and there is special support from the leader of the Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, to Al-Sudani in this regard."
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani had previously announced the formation of an anti-corruption commission with a supportive team, stressing that its formation came to combat corruption in accordance with the ministerial curriculum, and with unconventional mechanisms that go beyond the previous negatives, indicating that the commission will bear an exceptional title (the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption), and that one of its goals is to confront major corruption files and recover those wanted in corruption cases and abused public funds.
    Al-Sudani also directed the formation of a support team with broad powers, in order to provide full support to the Supreme Commission for Combating Corruption in opening these files. However, the Diwani order for the formation of the support team for government efforts has not been issued yet, which prevented the possibility of identifying its tasks in accordance with the law.
    Al-Sudani stressed the need for the team's work procedures to be in compliance with the laws required by the constitution, especially with regard to human rights, as the commission was headed by Abdel Karim Abdel Fadil, who previously held the position of intelligence director of the Ministry of Interior.
    Some anti-corruption experts in Iraq described the formation of the new commission as a good step to be an extension of the previous commissions, but others saw that corruption is not addressed through the formation of higher commissions, but rather through political will, serious popular action and thinking outside the box.
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