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    Asking the Moroccan Minister of Justice after his visit to Baghdad: What about Moroccan female detai

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    Asking the Moroccan Minister of Justice after his visit to Baghdad: What about Moroccan female detai Empty Asking the Moroccan Minister of Justice after his visit to Baghdad: What about Moroccan female detai

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Oct 2023, 4:20 am

    Asking the Moroccan Minister of Justice after his visit to Baghdad: What about Moroccan female detainees?

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    Baghdad today - follow-up
    Moroccan media criticized the Moroccan Minister of Justice for not opening the file of Moroccan men and women detained in Iraqi prisons, during his attendance at the meeting of Arab Ministers of Justice, which was held 4 days ago in Baghdad.
    Moroccan newspapers quoted their sources as saying that the official agenda for the visit of Abdel Latif Wehbe, the Moroccan Minister of Justice, to Iraq, within the framework of the meeting of Arab Ministers of Justice in its regular session, did not include a reference to a meeting with the Iraqi Minister of Justice in order to discuss the file of Moroccans stuck in prisons. Iraqi.
    She added, "The minister, who had previously promised the detainees in Iraq that he would find a solution to their file, is still facing the demands of the families of the stranded who are calling for the return of their children and their trial according to what the Kingdom's laws stipulate, especially the detained women."
    So far, Morocco has been able to return a five-year-old Moroccan girl after long efforts and negotiations between the Moroccan authorities and their Iraqi counterparts. The same source confirmed that the child was facing threats to transfer her to a shelter, after she reached five years old and could no longer be kept. Inside the prison next to her mother.
    According to the same data, the child who was brought with a social worker and her aunt, under the supervision of the Ministerial Delegation in charge of Human Rights, is living in a difficult psychological situation, as a result of which she will be subjected to psychological support by specialists to help her accept the new situation.
    The child has not adapted to the new situation, and suffers from malnutrition. Her family also faces a challenge in helping her integrate into the new family environment, as the child is constantly required to be near her mother. On the other hand, the child felt difficulty adapting to a vast space, given the conditions she was living within four walls in prison.
    The Ministerial Delegation in charge of Human Rights announced earlier that on Monday, October 9, the Moroccan child, “R. M” returned to the homeland, after she was residing with her mother, who was detained in an Iraqi prison.
    A statement to the delegation explained that “this humanitarian initiative to transfer the child outside the prison walls and return her to the homeland comes in response to the desire of her family, with the approval of her mother, taking into account her best interests, and to enable her to grow up in a healthy environment and appropriate conditions.”
    Source: Agencies
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