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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ending the assignment of 83 advisors appointed by Al-Halbousi in Anbar Governorate

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ending the assignment of 83 advisors appointed by Al-Halbousi in Anbar Governorate Empty Ending the assignment of 83 advisors appointed by Al-Halbousi in Anbar Governorate

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Dec 2023, 2:17 pm

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    [size=52]Ending the assignment of 83 advisors appointed by Al-Halbousi in Anbar Governorate[/size]
    • Today 18:37

    Information / Baghdad..
    An official source reported, on Tuesday, that the assignment of all officials holding the status of advisors appointed by Muhammad al-Halbousi in the Anbar Governorate administration had been terminated.
    The source said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Integrity Committees and relevant authorities conducted a filtering process for the advisors appointed by the expelled President Muhammad Al-Halbousi in the House of Representatives and the Governor’s Office and ended the assignment of a large number of advisors to the House of Representatives, while they referred about 83 advisors to the Anbar Governor’s Office.” to their previous jobs.
    He added, "Since assuming the duties of Governor of Anbar and Presidency of the House of Representatives, Al-Halbousi has assigned dozens of advisors to high-level government positions to seize leadership positions and transfer their management to the Taqaddum Party."
    He stated that “regulatory authorities considered the large increase in the appointment of officials in the capacity of advisors to be a form of financial corruption, and this approach that was managed by the Taqadum Party, which assigned positions to these figures in the capacity of advisors, cannot be continued, and most of them are ineffective in the tasks assigned to them, especially since these This feature costs the treasury of countries large sums of money that can be used in reconstruction projects and other works.” End 12a
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