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    The Service Council announces updates on the appointments of the 31,000 scholarships and scholarship

    Admin Assist
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    The Service Council announces updates on the appointments of the 31,000 scholarships and scholarship Empty The Service Council announces updates on the appointments of the 31,000 scholarships and scholarship

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Dec 2023, 5:15 am

    The Service Council announces updates on the appointments of the 31,000 scholarships and scholarships of the Supreme Committee for Educational Development

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Thursday, the Federal Public Service Council announced the latest developments regarding the appointments of job grades amounting to 31,000 holders of advanced degrees, firsts, and scholarships from the Supreme Committee for Educational Development, while clarifying that the file for appointing graduates of the educational initiative is in the hands of the Prime Minister’s Office.
    The Council’s official spokesman, Saad Al-Lami, said, “The file of canceling breast health transactions came with a government directive requiring the activation of electronic mechanisms in all postal transactions for the government public sector, including the Federal Service Council.”
    Al-Lami continued: “Therefore, we are now with the government’s approach, which is to do this file accurately, to get rid of the large amount of paper mail circulating, which leads to the delay in completing many citizens’ transactions,” stressing “support for the government’s approach.” In this regard, the Council will be the first to implement it.”
    He pointed out, “The Council preceded many government institutions in activating electronic mechanisms, and the evidence for this is when it began appointing the first group last year 2022, numbering 43,000 graduates of public universities with advanced degrees and top honors. They were appointed with the approval of The system of modern electronic mechanisms through the launch of an electronic form, and appointments were made electronically without the intervention of paper transactions.”
    Regarding the appointments of scholarships from the Supreme Committee for the Development of Education, Al-Lami explained, “This file is divided into two parts. The first is the so-called graduates of the educational initiative, which is in the hands of the office of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, and which concerns students within the Committee for the Development of Higher Education in Iraq, while the second part concerns Scholarships by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,” noting that “the Prime Minister’s Office provided the Council with data on those competencies, and they were compiled and audited.”
    He pointed out that "the number of applicants to the Prime Minister's Office for employment among graduates of the Commission for the Development of Higher Education in Iraq has reached 120 applicants," indicating that "the Council began conducting the interview since last Wednesday, to verify their documents and certificates, and when this process is completed, it will be completed." They are appointed directly by the Federal Public Service Council, to the staff of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.”
    He went on to say: "The Federal Service Council had previously appointed 33 graduates of the Higher Education Development Committee in Iraq during the past month."
    He pointed out, "A proposal was submitted to the Council of Ministers to appoint qualified people, especially since they studied in government universities and very reputable international universities outside Iraq, and the state spent a lot of money on them, so the process of embracing them is a duty for the government." 
    As for the appointment of 31,000 job ranks from those holding advanced and first degrees, Al-Lami said, “The procedures undertaken by the Council need a lot of scrutiny, especially since the Council went through an experience in this file when it appointed 43,000 people from the same categories.” ".
    He stressed that "there are many checks underway with this data, and when the procedures are completed properly between the recruitment partners, the electronic form for their recruitment process will be launched."
    The Federal Service Council announced earlier that holders of advanced degrees and the first three graduates are included in the new job grades under Laws (67) and (59) of 2017, as stated in a special text of the Federal General Budget Law for the fiscal years (2023-2024-2025). The Service Council was tasked with completing the remainder of the job grades, which were approximately 74,000 job grades. About 43,000 job grades were appointed, of which 31,000 job grades remained.

    Views 28
    Added 12/21/2023 - 10:28 AM
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