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    Al-Karim reveals to Al-Sumaria the details of what happened during the session to elect the Speaker

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    Al-Karim reveals to Al-Sumaria the details of what happened during the session to elect the Speaker  Empty Al-Karim reveals to Al-Sumaria the details of what happened during the session to elect the Speaker

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Apr 2024, 5:01 am

    [size=35][size=35]Al-Karim reveals to Al-Sumaria the details of what happened during the session to elect the Speaker of Parliament[/size]
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    Special Sumerian

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    04-04-2024 | 17:34
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    Today, Thursday, the head of the Parliamentary Progress Bloc, Representative Shalan Al-Karim, revealed the details of what happened during the session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and while he stated that the coordination framework had agreed on his nomination, with the exception of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri Al-Maliki, he made it clear that he is still a candidate for the presidency of Parliament, according to the court’s decision. Federal.


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    Al-Karim said in an interview with the Belmuktaz program broadcast by Al-Sumaria satellite channel, “What happened during the session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives was not taken into account after the Federal Court’s final and binding decision regarding the termination of the membership of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, which was a shock to everyone and not just to progress. It was not taken into account that an alternative to Al-Halbousi would be chosen during his presidency, and after his dismissal, talk began about candidates to succeed him, and all the representatives began thinking about the position, which the constitution did not stipulate was for the Sunni component, but it became a political norm after 2003.

    He added: “I did not nominate myself to succeed Al-Halbousi, but Al-Halbousi was the one who nominated me among the candidates presented during the meeting of the leaders of the coordination framework. Initially, Representative Abdul Karim Abtan was nominated, but the framework asked Al-Halbousi for other candidates, so he nominated me with Representative Abdul Karim Abtan,” explaining that “there are other candidates such as Muzahim Al-Khayyat is from Mosul, and there are aspirants like Ziad Al-Janabi and Yahya Al-Muhammadi.”

    Al-Karim pointed out that “the leaders of the framework agreed on the name of Shaalan Al-Karim, and this happened in the month of 11, except for the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nouri Al-Maliki, who adhered to the nomination of Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani,” indicating that “the Shiite parties are compatible with Al-Karim and others, and there are others with Al-Issawi and others with Al-Mashhadani,” and he explained. He "does not have any rivalry with any political party, whether Sunni, Shiite, or Kurdish, and he has very good relations with everyone."

    Al-Karim pointed out that “it was agreed between Al-Halbous and Al-Khanjar to nominate Al-Karim, and they went themselves to the Shiite and Kurdish leaders, with Al-Karim being their candidate for the Presidency of Parliament for the Sovereignty and Progress Alliance,” indicating that “there is a Sunni majority who voted for Al-Karim, and this was proven by the votes he obtained.” .

    Al-Karim confirmed that “The head of the Azm Bloc, Muthanna Al-Samarrai, informed him that he is committed to Al-Mashhadani as a Azm candidate and he cannot give me his vote. Expectations were that the contenders in the second round were both Al-Mashhadani and Salem Al-Issawi, and this was planned to go to the second round, but the surprise happened when I got 152 votes.” He stated, “Al-Samarrai informed him that in the second round his vote would be his after agreeing with Al-Issawi that the one with the fewest votes would withdraw and support the candidate closest to winning.”

    He stated, "The votes I received were 50 from the Sunnis, and the Kurdish parties (the Kurdistan Union, the New Generation, and the Islamists) gave me 25 votes, and the remaining, meaning 75 votes, came from the Shiite representatives, namely Al-Hikma, Badr, the Independents, and some representatives from the tribal sheikhs in the House of Representatives."

    Al-Karim explained, “The talk about distributing luxury cars came from a representative who opposed me and wanted to meet with me at his home in the Green Zone. The meeting took place after he confirmed my support and that Al-Kazemi had left his office and that I would leave it as Speaker of Parliament. They talked to me about giving an amount of $3 million to be distributed among the representatives.” In order to obtain the votes of the representatives, but I categorically rejected this matter,” indicating that “this person is the same person who promoted the propaganda of distributing cars and money to the representatives in order to vote.”

    Regarding the quarrel inside the House of Representatives and who caused it, Al-Karim confirmed, “What happened inside the session was revealed over the course of days and the videos were leaked by the Sunnis, and it was part of it. When the videos did not bear fruit, orders came to disrupt the session and attempt to obstruct the holding of the second round by disagreeing over the bylaws.” During this period, Al-Halbousi asked me to withdraw from the session, and what happened prompted Al-Mandalawi to adjourn the session.”

    Regarding holding a funeral for “Saddam Hussein,” Al-Karim stated that “the timing of the execution during the Eid and the connotations it carries, the time and the presence of the existing armed factions gave the green light to hold a funeral council for Saddam Hussein, and even Salah al-Din Governorate established a central funeral council, and funeral councils were held in other areas.” It was a reaction to the execution on the day of Eid, and my video was brought to Al-Maliki by Sunni people and Salah al-Din, and as a result I was uprooted in the 2010 elections and I obtained a judicial decision according to which I returned to the 2014 elections, and I was not a Baathist, neither I nor my family.”

    He added, "There are many Baathists who received exceptions to participate in the elections, and even there are officers, ministers, and high-ranking positions in the state. Everyone must be dealt with fairly, because I have been in the political process since 2006 and continue to work politically. Most importantly, those who knew about this video were dealing with me as a politician and it was done." I was nominated for the Arab Parliament and Vice-President of the Arab Parliament, and during this period I was not accused of Baathism, and I held a funeral for Saddam because of the timing of the execution and to extinguish the strife.” He pointed out that “Al-Kalabi did not contact me or ask me to apologise. Why the apology when I did not kill anyone, and if there is an apology, I present it to the representatives.” And politicians because of the unfair media campaign that does not fit the event, and if my words hurt them.”

    Al-Karim pointed out that “he is still a candidate according to the decision of the Federal Court, but Al-Halbousi proposed alternatives for me, and I wish them success if one of them is agreed upon,” indicating that “his legal position is sound after the 2006 video, and I did not have any systematic work linking me to the Baath, in addition to the law criminalizing The Baath Party was issued in 2016, and after that I have no contact or promotion of the Baath Party. On the contrary, we had a role in restoring security to Saladin Governorate.”

    Regarding his relationship with the Deputy Chairman of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Al-Karim confirmed that “the relationship with Al-Muhandis began after 2014 and the fall of the governorate into the hands of ISIS. After that, communication with Al-Muhandis began and continued until 3 months before his martyrdom, and my relationship with him was strong, continuous and good,” explaining that “ The engineer had a diagnosis of many corrupt, traitorous, and puppet political figures.”

    Al-Karim pointed out that “the process of liberating the Amerli district, I was not privy to the precise details, but all the factions participated in its liberation,” indicating that he had never “met the commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani,” explaining that he “is still a member of the Taqadum Party and has not withdrawn from the party.” .

    Regarding the Governor of Salah al-Din, Badr al-Fahal, al-Karim confirmed that he is “one of his supporters as he is a well-known personality.”

    Regarding the situation in Samarra, he stated that “the service situation is miserable and the security situation is restrictive for citizens despite the stability of the security situation,” stressing that “the Peace Brigades have not been shown any negative indicators of their management of the security file in the city, and their presence is a balancing factor in the city.”

    Al-Karim concluded by saying, “Early elections will not take place for technical and political reasons that require time to choose the Election Commission, and this, with preparation, requires more than 8 months. Even if it is agreed to hold early elections, they will not happen until the fourth month of 2025.” Regarding candidacy within the Taqadum Party, Al-Karim confirmed that “This is up to time.”

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