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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Security and military pressures on joint sector investors hinder the wheel of the economy in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Security and military pressures on joint sector investors hinder the wheel of the economy in Iraq Empty Security and military pressures on joint sector investors hinder the wheel of the economy in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 Apr 2024, 7:00 am

    Security and military pressures on joint sector investors hinder the wheel of the economy in Iraq
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    There is an accelerating movement and the wheel of investment is turning in Iraq, to ​​advance the country at various levels, and attempts to attract local and foreign investors to the Iraqi arena have become a government priority, in light of the launch of a number of projects, but this wheel may stop turning and be disrupted due to “pressures” to which investors in the sector are exposed. It is shared by influential security and military authorities, according to what a number of investors reported to “Baghdad Today”. 
    Pressures of another kind  
     A number of investors in the joint sector complained of “being subjected to pressure from influential figures and security and military entities during contracts with government institutions to invest in the joint sector.” 
    Through Baghdad Today, the investors called on “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to intervene immediately and end the control of these security and military authorities over them, and to lift the injustice they faced during their contracts with government institutions to invest and advance the country’s economic reality.” 
    They pointed out that they are "an integral part of the pillars of government investment institutions, as they participate in developing factories and projects side by side with the government and its institutions." 
    Stability and investment 
    For his part, the expert in economic affairs, Alaa Glob Al-Fahd, told “Baghdad Today” that “investment in Iraq, especially partnership contracts with the private sector, requires a stable environment in terms of security, economic and legislative aspects, and if there are any challenges, they will directly affect investment and implementation.” Projects.
    Regarding pressures and interventions, Al-Fahd pointed out that they are “one of the negative conditions indicative of any economy. Pressures and interventions can affect projects, given that the money element is (cowardly) and seeks a stable environment in terms of security .  ”
    He explained, “There are government efforts by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to lift the pressures and challenges on investment projects by supporting the private sector and giving it a wide space in implementing projects directly, and this is what happened in projects to relieve traffic congestion, where the priority was for solid companies that have Experience in the field of implementing investment projects .  ”
    He added, "Any pressure on investors will be reflected in the Development Road Project. This project needs international companies, and these companies are always looking for a stable environment free of challenges and pressures. Therefore, any interferences and pressures on investors must be eliminated in order to create an attractive environment for investment."
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