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    Najib applauds the adoption of smart card in the salaries of state employees distribution


    Posts : 5312
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Najib applauds the adoption of smart card in the salaries of state employees distribution Empty Najib applauds the adoption of smart card in the salaries of state employees distribution

    Post by wciappetta Sat 18 Apr 2015, 7:20 am

    An expected action. It will be fraud reducing, it will enable a smoother transition IMO to revalue via an electronic banking/ payment transaction system. The two largest segments of the population, Government employees [largest employer in country] and public assistance pretty much covers the population.

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    18/04/2015 11:10 | Number of Views: 38

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     BAGHDAD / Source News / .. praised the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib, Saturday, the adoption of smart card in the distribution of salaries of state employees.

    She said in a statement received by Agency / Source News / "The decision to circulate the smart card in the ministries and institutions of the state employees' salaries exchange is a good step in the elimination of aliens," pointing out that "the presence of the employee himself to the bank will reveal many cases of financial and administrative corruption."

    She explained that "the transfer of money in the country is still traditionally This should work to promote the smart card to keep pace with global developments in this area." .anthy / P

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    18/04/2015 10:29 | Number of Views: 210

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    BAGHDAD / Source News / .. described the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib, Saturday, step Rafidain Bank, the adoption of smart card in the distribution of salaries of state employees as good and useful.
    She said Najib in a statement seen by Agency / Source News /, "The decision to circulate the smart card in the ministries and institutions of the state employees' salaries exchange is a good step in the elimination of aliens," pointing out that "the presence of the employee himself to the bank will reveal many cases of financial and administrative corruption." .
    She explained that "the transfer of money in the country is still traditionally This should work to promote the smart card to keep pace with global developments in this area," ./ ended Q

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    Posts : 5312
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Najib applauds the adoption of smart card in the salaries of state employees distribution Empty Re: Najib applauds the adoption of smart card in the salaries of state employees distribution

    Post by wciappetta Sat 18 Apr 2015, 7:51 am

    Smart Card
    4/18/2015 0:00 

    BAGHDAD - morning 

    confirmed the Ministry of Commerce it is considering a draft introduction of the smart card system to collect the citizens of their shares of the ration card items instead of the form that you print the ministry each year. 
    According to a statement of the Ministry of Planning and Follow-up Department at the Ministry of Commerce discussed with the concerned company to start working according to the smart card and bypass system problems that may occur in the future. 

    He pointed out that the process of using Smart Card Key - Card contribute to solving the problems faced by citizens to receive their shares of vocabulary and obtained from any agent of foodstuffs and in all the provinces as well as it provides freedom of receipt of such vocabulary without traffic problems transportation or other. 

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    I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. -Psalms 27:13-14

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