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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Masum Meets Representatives of the protesters and asserting that it stands at the same distance and

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    Masum Meets Representatives of the protesters and asserting that it stands at the same distance and  Empty Masum Meets Representatives of the protesters and asserting that it stands at the same distance and

    Post by Rocky Wed 20 Apr 2016, 2:58 am

    [ltr]Masum Meets Representatives of the protesters and asserting that it stands at the same distance and commitment to the Non-Aligned[/ltr]

     Since 19/04/2016 21:36 pm (Baghdad time)
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    [ltr]Baghdad balances News 
    Search President Fuad Masum, with a delegation from the House of Representatives of the protesters ways to overcome the current parliamentary crisis, with President Masum he said he was standing at the same distance from all parties and its commitment to the Non-Aligned, the House of Representatives of the protesters asserted their keenness to activate the work of the work of Parliament and they are not against the party and are not in the process of removal of any component. 
    A presidential statement received / balances News / copy of "The President received at his Baghdad home on Tuesday evening, a delegation representing the members of the House of Representatives of the protesters." 
    According to the statement it was "by members of the delegation expressed their appreciation for the role that his Mr. President, in order to overcome the current parliamentary crisis, stressing their keenness on activating the work of the parliament and confirm the legislative and supervisory role in these circumstances that require the effectiveness of all constitutional institutions." 
    As explained by the House of Representatives, "they are not against the party and are not in the process of removal of any component." 
    President infallible and talked about his vision and his role in working to "provide the atmosphere of positive understanding between the different parties," in the context of constitutional responsibility and duty as president of the Republic, noting that "the protection of democracy and save the country's stability and application of the Constitution in front of its responsibilities, which oversees the implementation in all honesty and sincerity ". 
    President of the Republic of the deputies of the protesters and said that "this duty requires him to stand on one of the various factions distance, and the Non-Aligned Movement to a party in any dispute," adding that "the only bias is to the Constitution and democracy, unity and stability of Iraq." 
    The infallible keenness to "continue his quest and all possibilities in order to help reach the possible solutions and to provide a positive atmosphere of understanding between different." 
    The Iraqi parliament failed to reach an defuse a crisis Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Tuesday, during the emergency session called by President Fuad Masum seemed division milestone for the House of Representatives. 
    The infallible progress the initiative to solve the crisis of the Council during a special session raise the question of sacking the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri to vote. 
    After five minutes of the meeting lawmakers walked out of the five parliamentary blocs is a coalition of Iraqi forces and the coalition of Kurdish blocs and the citizen and the Badr and virtue as well as deputies from the Christian and Turkmen Almokunan. 
    And a reason to withdraw differed between these blocks into two teams met in a news conference outside the Dome of the House of Representatives after their withdrawal 
    He said a parliamentary source / balances News / The withdrawal came first for two reasons as a result of the dispute over the identity of chairing the meeting, where he was the rivalry between MPs Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Adnan al-Janabi, as he was the second reason, which is the view of the deputies of the citizen and the Kurdistan he did not mention that the meeting was held at the invitation of President of the Republic, according to Mberat book and the content of the initiative announced by presidential spokesman Khalid Shwani. 
    It reminds President Fuad Masum, and relying on Article 58 of the Constitution and act in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Rules of Procedure called for a comprehensive parliamentary hearing what he called a "meeting" on Tuesday at two pm in the Council Chamber in order to encircle the repercussions of the situation in Parliament. 
    According to the initiative, the Salim al-Jubouri, sitting among the deputies, "deputies" and not a president explained that "lends itself to Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri deliver a speech to show his view of what happened and how to overcome the current crisis." 
    Also he stressed the "ask the sacking of the Presidency of the Council and those who wish Balacalh according to the rules of procedure and submit an application signed by the law and is displayed to the vote according to the rules of procedure." 
    She explained that the initiative "in the event of dismissal, on the insistence of the Council shall be elected new presidency of the Council." 
    He pointed out that "in the absence of approval of the dismissal, the current Presidency shall continue to exercise its functions according to the rules of procedure." 
    is over 
    M h n[/ltr]

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