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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Defection of the leader of the Sadrist movement Saad bracelet and the formation of an armed wing of

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    Defection of the leader of the Sadrist movement Saad bracelet and the formation of an armed wing of  Empty Defection of the leader of the Sadrist movement Saad bracelet and the formation of an armed wing of

    Post by Rocky Sat 18 Jun 2016, 8:18 am

    Defection of the leader of the Sadrist movement Saad bracelet and the formation of an armed wing of Aitba Brigades "Peace Brigades"
    18-06-2016 02:27 PM
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    A source close to 'the Sadrists' recent occurrence of defection by one of the current leaders and the formation of a new independent armed group.

    The source, who asked not to be identified: 'A new split occurred in the formations of the Sadrist movement, led by Moqtada al-Sadr, and split the commander is the leader Saad bracelet, 

    which he formed an armed wing is not subject to the leadership of the Brigades' Brigades peace' of the Sadrist movement, launched the name «hoped Army» in the provinces of central and southern Iraq.

    The source pointed out that the bracelet he had previous disagreements with the leadership of the military wing of the Sadrist movement, on numerous occasions, including participation in the civil war in Syria, and the method of protests demanding reforms organized by Sadr's followers recently, and other management and announced chest disown him.

    The source of the existence of a strong suspicion among the leadership of the Sadrist presence of actors contributed to this split and backed with money and weapons to weaken the power, including the leader of the «rule of law», Nuri al-Maliki, who characterized his relationship with Muqtada al-Sadr's hostility. 

    Sadr has repeatedly accused b »poor administration of Iraq» during his reign as prime minister for eight years has led to the spread of corruption in the state and the emergence of al «State» in Iraq.

    As has already been launched Maliki, for his part, a military crackdown on Sadr's followers and delivered hundreds of them in prisons.

    And witnessed the Sadrists and the Mahdi formations Muslhh'jeic 'then' Brigades Alsalam'adh splits including secession 'bandages', which is headed by Qais al-Khazali, and'ktaib Abu al Fadl al Abbas', run by the US-Khafaji, and others all of whom defected from the Sadrist movement with the support and approval of Iran or compete to Sadr Shiite leaders.

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