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    The death of 2514 people due to traffic accidents generality of Iraq in 2015

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    The death of 2514 people due to traffic accidents generality of Iraq in 2015 Empty The death of 2514 people due to traffic accidents generality of Iraq in 2015

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Jun 2016, 3:35 am

    [ltr]The death of 2514 people due to traffic accidents generality of Iraq in 2015[/ltr]

     Since 06.22.2016 at 09:08 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Revealed the Ministry of Planning for the death of 2514 people over the past year in 2015 due to traffic accidents in the whole of Iraq after it was recorded around 9000 formed a traffic accident, where the fatal accident rate of 28.5%, while the number of incidents of non-fatal 6322 traffic accident.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The spokesman said the ministry Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi, said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "a slight increase in the recorded traffic accidents in 2015 compared to 2014 amounted to 0.24%," adding that "the number of deaths among males as a result of traffic accidents reached two thousand deaths a gain of 77% while the number of deaths among females more than 570 deaths and 23% of the total number of deaths. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He pointed out that "this figure is low by 9% compared with 2014, the number of deaths reached in that year to some 2,800 deaths," pointing out that "the number of the wounded was about 9,500 injured, up from 2014 by 2.5%."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He Hindawi that "traffic accidents, a report issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed that collisions recorded the highest rate during the year 2015, amounting to 4213 incidents by 48% of the total accidents, followed by run-over accidents 3405 accident rate of 38.5%, followed by a coup in 1000 accident accidents by 11%. As 218 other incidents by 2.5%. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added, "while the number of traffic accidents recorded by months recorded a month of December 387 accidents by 4.4%, followed by the month of August, 374 accident and by 4.2%, while the rest of the months amounted to 3452 accident and 39.1% of the total number of accidents and serious 8836 accident during the year 2015".[/ltr]
    [ltr]And increased Hindawi that "the number of traffic accidents by class of the road was 8836 incidents during 2015 including the 4303 accident on the main roads by 49%, and the roads were 2266 accidents by 25.6% and on the highways reached in 1761 an accident by 20% and in rural road accidents totaled 506 accidents 5.7% of the total number of accidents. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]A spokesman for the Ministry of Planning and that "the number of registered traffic accidents during the year 2014 recorded the highest percentage in the month of December 841 accidents by 9.5%, followed by the month of August 799 accidents and 9% either other months amounted to 7174 incidents and 81% of the total number of accidents and serious 8814 accident ".[/ltr]
    [ltr]He stressed Hindawi that "one of the causes of accidents were caused by driver has registered 6393 incidents and 72% and represents the highest percentage of either accident because the car has reached 998 accidents by 11%, due to the way 738 accidents by 8.4%, while the rest of the reasons amounted to 707 incidents of 1% the total number of accidents and incidents of 8836 through 2015. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]Hindawi promised "traffic accidents as representing a great danger and comparable to the current-terrorism operations," noting that "it has become a concern and the concern of all members of society and has become one of the problems that drain financial resources and suffered from social problems and loss of human energies which affects the necessities of life, which is the human element which is the foundation of society. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He called for "work to find solutions and suggestions and put them into practice to reduce these accidents or at least address the causes and mitigate the negative effects and to identify the most important elements that share and cause traffic accidents, which are the driver and the road and the vehicle and other" .anthy 29 / D 24[/ltr]

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