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    Iraqi media house describes the coverage of the battle of Fallujah as "regionalization"

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    Iraqi media house describes the coverage of the battle of Fallujah as "regionalization" Empty Iraqi media house describes the coverage of the battle of Fallujah as "regionalization"

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Sep 2016, 4:01 am

    Iraqi media house describes the coverage of the battle of Fallujah as "regionalization"

    Saturday 10-09-2016 | 10:18:18

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    H d
    Twilight News / monitor "the house of the Iraqi media," in his first media coverage of the battle to liberate Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), organized (Daesh), for the period of May / May to June 2016, and the conduct of its operations, and the statements of politicians and security chiefs on them, as well as colleagues from breaches or violations against civilians, and the nature of eating all the way to the subject of the media and the neutrality it.
    And it was based on "the Iraqi media house" Rasdo archive websites and news agencies and TV channels and newspapers, although some of the difficulties confronting them in it, enlisting the help of video clips posted on the site "YouTube" and other social networking sites.
    Also addressed the monitoring of local coverage, taking into account the different media trends, and the nature of the funding, as well as Arab and foreign coverage.
    The report said in his remarks about the media coverage of the battle, said the local media was divided in its coverage into two teams, focused first on the progress of the battles on a daily basis, and the progress of the security forces up to the announcement of the liberation of Fallujah, while the second focused on the abuses that took place against the local population during the battles, ignoring the progress of the battles.
    It was noted reporters field intensity of the local media to cover the conduct of the battle, and hired some of the direct broadcast satellite battles or by telephone, which is positive not seen in earlier fights and events.
    The report pointed to the contrast level of accuracy in the reporting of events, as published by some media reports on the progress of the security forces to specific areas of the battlefield, later turned out to be incorrect, according to official reports issued by the government, while other media have published reports of breaches against locals before they occur, or officially registered by the government and international organizations.
    And ignore some of the media that got completely violations against the local population by the security forces and the popular crowd, in spite of the adoption of the government officially, and the statements of international organizations, but they proceeded to the use of statements obtained officials refute.
    On the other hand ignored the media coverage of the field battles despite the photos and videos published extensively documented the course of the battle, and lost questioning the progress of the security forces until the last days of the battle.
    "Iraqi Media House" report added that some of the local media relied on with enticing dye reports focused on officials and sources remarks are unknown, were closer to the public, and published dozens of reports daily from the battle, although they do not possess reporters two areas.
    He also scored in his remarks that the local media coverage has seen charges and mutual incitement against the forces of parties and political figures across the statements of politicians and opponents of directed directly to employment, mistrust and accusations of appeal.
    And record the use of some of the local media enticing terms in the drafting of reports, whether visual or print, such as "Safavid army," "Saudi Daesh," "Iranian crowd," "elders Fallujah traitors", "army integration," as well as "fabricated" stories like "the presence of 300 Saudi woman inside Fallujah," or "Assistant Qassem Soleimani killed in Fallujah."
    The report said the media is owned by political parties or forces covered Activity faction fighter of her, without a balance with the activity of the rest of the factions or the army and police, while ignoring other media activity "popular crowd" forces focused on the military and federal police.
    It was observed remarkably, abandon media known as the "independence and balance" for this feature, and the split between the adoption of the official position of the fight, ignoring the violations, or adopt positions against the government. And it spawned a media coverage of charge to the media and journalists Baltkhuyn and challenged, and the threats affected the journalists, writers and public figures.
    According to the report that foreign media Bmrusselaha enlisted in the battle to cover, as well as the transfer of official statements and government security officials, and reinforced by photographs and videos that document their material.
    As noted indifference US media covered the issue of monitoring violations against the local population, and focused on the progress of the battles with reference to fears of breaches, while the observed interest in the British media covered by the monitoring Bakherouk along the course of the fighting.
    In conclusion, the report noted that the weakness of Arab coverage of the battle with the exception of some, and hired the majority of the Arab media reports transmitted from international agencies or local without the presence of reporters in Iraq, and split coverage of the Arab media covered the events, between the adoption of the position the government, or ignore the battles and focus on violations against the local population, and based its position on the pictures and videos posted on social networking sites.
    The "House of the Iraqi media," an independent media organization founded by a group of Iraqi journalists at the beginning of 2015, dealing with the monitoring of the Iraqi media, and display deficiencies media coverage of current events, by issuing periodic monitoring reports.

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