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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 12 Jan 2013, 11:50 am

    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airways

    Saturday, December 12 2 / January 2013 17:25: Ambassador News

    {Baghdad Ambassador: News}

    newspaper quoted "opinion" Kuwaiti parliamentary sources confirmed that
    Kuwaiti parliamentary foreign affairs committee in Kuwait intends to
    the Convention concluded by Kuwait with Iraq to drop lawsuits
    between KAC and their Iraqi counterparts.

    And describes the
    sources told the newspaper that the majority of the members of the
    Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry believe that $ 500 million of the settlement is
    very little, and not commensurate with the losses incurred by Kuwait

    The sources also said the Kuwaiti government indicated that
    their Iraqi counterparts have turned the first installment of the amount
    of compensation in favor of Kuwait, but the Convention shall take
    effect only after being approved by Parliament.
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 12 Jan 2013, 11:53 am

    I don't like this opinion at all.. This has not happened yet. Hope it doesn't, & wasn't this all signed & been agreed to already by their Emir?
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by sassy Sat 12 Jan 2013, 2:46 pm

    I thought there was news stating that it was HKP1.

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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by wciappetta Sat 12 Jan 2013, 2:59 pm

    Bunch of bunk by some minority divisive kooks .... The Emir told them to close the files and close them they shall, you can bet on it...

    Kuwait drop lawsuits against Iraqi Airways for $ 500 million
    <table style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr" bgcolor="white" width="100%"><tr><td>

    20-12-2012 | (Voice of Iraq)

    News / Baghdad

    Ministry of Transport announced Iraq, Thursday, dropping Kuwait all
    proceedings against Iraqi Airways, noting that the agreement is a real
    new beginning for Iraqi Airways to build a new air fleet.

    An advisor to the Minister of Transport Karim Nouri in an interview for
    "Alsumaria News", "Advisor to the Minister of Transport for aviation
    Kifah Hassan Jabbar signed with Chairman of Kuwait Airways Corporation
    Sami half a definitive agreement to drop all lawsuits and judgments
    against Iraqi Airways both filed against it in All countries in the
    world, "noting that" there are lawsuits filed against the company in
    London. "

    He Nouri that "the two countries reached an agreement prior to plunge
    Iraq whereby the amount of $ 500 million in compensation to the airline
    in exchange for dropping proceedings against Iraqi Airways," noting that
    "the agreement is the beginning of a historic relationship between the
    two countries and the beginning of a real Iraqi Airways in building air
    fleet again. "

    The Iraqi Council of Ministers authorized the July 18, 2012, Transport
    Minister Hadi al-Amiri, the authority to negotiate with the Kuwaiti side
    on the mechanism pay $ 500 million to the Kuwaiti side for the purpose
    of settling claims on Kuwaiti Kuwait Airways debt.

    The British authorities have detained, in 25 of last April, the Iraqi
    plane coming from Baghdad to London after a stop for flights between the
    two countries as long as 20 years, and was on board 30 passengers of
    Iraqis and foreigners, including Transport Minister Amer Abdul-Jabbar
    and director of Iraqi Airways Kifah Hassan, who was detained by the
    British judicial authorities, because of a lawsuit filed against the
    Kuwaiti Iraq concerning the damage suffered by the aircraft as a result
    of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, demanding payment of one
    billion and 200 million dollars for Kuwait Airways.

    And demanded the Kuwaiti company before London's High Court to pay Iraq
    $ 2.1 billion, and asked Kifah Hassan provide detection property
    company under oath, accusing via lawyer KAC David Schori, Iraqi Airways
    to refuse to honor its commitments and بالحنث department, fraud and
    mislead the judiciary.

    The Iraqi Airways currently manage and operate air transport in Iraq
    through interoperability with other countries in the world because of
    the company's non-possession of private jets, though it is one of the
    founding companies of the Organization of the International Air
    Transport Association (IATA).

    I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. -Psalms 27:13-14
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by onecinful1 Sun 13 Jan 2013, 10:32 am

    the Emir of Kuwait signed a decree making it law oct 2012, visit the archives, which clearly makes this ones oppoinion!!!!!

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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by Neno Sun 13 Jan 2013, 11:14 am

    onecinful1 wrote:the Emir of Kuwait signed a decree making it law oct 2012, visit the archives, which clearly makes this ones oppoinion!!!!!
    Agree and seing the archives is a good thing when dealing with ANY so called media source. Just reporting in my last chat the words from TIRKI, "100's of mom and pop medias in Iraq that are solely opinion only", other words, they do not know crappola.. ;)
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 13 Jan 2013, 11:58 am

    Thanks guys for making this very clear for me and others as some of these darn articles can really confuse anyone.
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by onecinful1 Sun 13 Jan 2013, 12:05 pm

    I could only go back to dec 20th, or I would have posted the article from oct 2012 showing it was signed into law by the Emir of Kuwait
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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 13 Jan 2013, 12:14 pm

    onecinful1 wrote:I could only go back to dec 20th, or I would have posted the article from oct 2012 showing it was signed into law by the Emir of Kuwait

    No probz Onecin,... thank you!

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    Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway Empty Re: Kuwait intends to reject the Convention, which concluded with Iraq to drop lawsuits for Iraqi Airway

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