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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Wasit is preparing for the cultivation of more than a million acres of wheat and barley Bmahsola

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Wasit is preparing for the cultivation of more than a million acres of wheat and barley Bmahsola Empty Wasit is preparing for the cultivation of more than a million acres of wheat and barley Bmahsola

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Nov 2016, 1:54 am

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    Wasit is preparing for the cultivation of more than a million acres of wheat and barley Bmahsola

     Wasit / Jabbar Bjay 

    Higher Agricultural Committee announced in Wasit province, on Saturday, to start creating more than a million acres of cultivated Bmahsola wheat and barley in the current winter season, and called on the concerned authorities to secure the peasants kits of seeds, fertilizer and fuel at subsidized prices, with renewed claim , regardless of all their dues previous seasons Marketing . 
    the head of the Agricultural Committee in the provincial council, Hashim al - Awadi , in an interview with (long - Presse), " the agricultural people in the province has developed its agricultural season and winter created thespace to be cultivated Bmahsola wheat and barley, which totaled one million and 163 thousand acres distributed generality areas of the province." 
    He said al - Awadi, that " the Supreme Agricultural Committee in the province ratified the winter agriculture plan after it has been verified implemented by peasants and farmers who have already embarked on this plan , despite the many obstacles they face, particularly the delayed financial dues exchange." 
    said Al - Awadi, the "circle water resources in the province confirmed its ability to secure adequate water quotas for watering the areas that will be laid Bamahsolan mentioned by putting a timetable for this purpose ,"calling on the Ministry of Agriculture and other government agencies to" provide the agricultural process of seeds and fertilizer requirements sufficiently in addition to the fuel needed to secure the drawers that tillage work involved that all those supplies are subsidized by the state. " The new head of the Agricultural Committee in the province, claim to " the need to exchange all dues peasants and farmers for the past seasons marketing universe delay disbursement would cause confusion agricultural season." 
    The Wasit province ranked first production of wheat crop during the last three agricultural seasons, reaching production year the last of more than 800 thousand tons of wheat and barley crops. 
    the Wasit province is one of the outstanding provinces in agricultural production for various crops for fertile land and the privacy of its geographical location and the passage of the Tigris River within its territory from north to south, as it estimated the total area of the province to 6.221 million acres and an arable area agriculture about 2662000 acres , including 481,000 acres reclaimed land completely and 151,000 acres ofland reclaimed and almost 230,000 acres of land is reclaimed, while the total area is arable up to 3.94 million acres.
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