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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary investment: 2017 budget to match its predecessor nor the

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary investment: 2017 budget to match its predecessor nor the  Empty Parliamentary investment: 2017 budget to match its predecessor nor the

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Nov 2016, 4:30 am

    Parliamentary investment: 2017 budget to match its predecessor nor the obstacles to be passed
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    Sun, 13 Nov 2016 08:32:49

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    # Algmehorah_uz
    Ruled out a member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, and there are obstacles to the adoption of the Parliament of the draft federal budget for the financial state of law for the year 2017.
    Abdel Karim said the captain in a press statement that "2017 is a budget version of its predecessors and thus are the same material and ideas and there's just a difference in income, expenditure and deficit figures and therefore there are no any obstacles for approval in parliament after two weeks."
    The Captain, "there are no objections on the budget in terms of expenses, revenue, the deficit."
    The House of Representatives has ended its session last Wednesday, the second reading of the draft federal budget for the 2017 law, and directed the presidency of parliament parliamentary Finance Committee Bandaj the bill for a vote, in the coming sessions.
    The size of the 2017 budget, according to the draft of the law more than 100 trillion dinars deficit by 21%.
    He said Parliament Speaker Salim al-Thursday, "The salaries and expenses accounted for 75% of the budget in 2017, and reached the security and defense allocations for 32% of total expenditures in," referring to the "keenness of the House of Representatives to reduce the three presidencies expenses in senior positions in the state."
    The draft budget to increase the proportion of deduction from employees' salaries for the expenses of the popular crowd and displaced law to 4.8% of the total salaries and allowances for all state employees and public sector retirees, after this percentage was 3% in the budget of 2016.

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