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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Dinars publish the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    Dinars publish the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh Empty Dinars publish the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh

    Post by Rocky Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:14 am

    Dinars publish the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. The central bank revealed the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh, while calling for the need for the banks to take the necessary measures to not deal with these parties, directly or indirectly.
    The bank said in a statement received / JD / copy of it: that foreign oversight in US Treasury assets in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq Office to ensure that the arrival of the money to the organization (Daesh) terrorist has drawers Inc. (smooth gold) financial convertible / private contribution and winning work practice of the Central Bank of Iraq and leave the company (Hanifa) (non-licensed) to Sahbhma (Fawaz Mohammed Jabir al-Rawi) blacklisted under US law and it is because they provide support and funding to terrorist entities.
    He added: been taking the necessary measures to prevent them from entering the Iraqi financial system and the freezing of assets owned by them inside Iraq.
    Central Bank of Iraq and stressed the need for banks and financial institutions and the concerned authorities to take necessary measures to not deal with these parties, directly or indirectly.
    US Treasury has been praised in a statement that the actions taken by the Iraqi authorities to impede the trading of financial Daesh in Iraq, and they are implementing an elaborate system to combat money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, which has helped to strengthen Iraq's ability to protect the financial system from exploitation by terrorist groups as " Daesh " 
    And already Treasury extension in the United States Embassy in Baghdad said that the Central Bank of Iraq has performed over the past year more than the actions taken for (13) years past in terms of procedures and regulations set by the central bank. / End / 22 / 

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271548
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Dinars publish the names of remittance companies in support of the organization Daesh Empty US Treasury included two Iraqi companies financial convertible on theblack list for funding Daesh

    Post by Rocky Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:23 am

    US Treasury included two Iraqi companies financial convertible on theblack list for funding Daesh[/size]
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    Bundles of US dollar

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     Thursday, 15 December 2016

    Twilight News CBI / said on Thursday the US Treasury Department in coordination with the Bank's financial position two Iraqi companies to convert on a blacklist funded organization "Daesh."
    The bank said in a statement responded to the Twilight News, that "the US Department of Treasury's Office listed company (smooth gold) financial convertible / private contribution and developments leave the practice work of the Iraqi Central Bank Inc. (Hanifa) (non-licensed) to Sahbhma (Fawaz Mohammed Jabir narrator) in blacklisted under US law and it is because they provide support and funding to terrorist entities. "
    The bank pointed out that this decision comes "within the verification procedures carried out by foreign control in the US Treasury Department Office of assets in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq to ensure that the arrival of the money to the organization (Daesh) the terrorist."
    He pointed out that "it was taking the necessary measures to prevent them from entering the Iraqi financial system and the freezing of assets owned by them inside Iraq."
    Central Bank of Iraq and stressed "the need for the banks and financial institutions and the concerned authorities to take necessary measures to not to deal with those entities directly or indirectly."
    According to the bank's statement, "the US Treasury hailed in a statement that the actions taken by the Iraqi authorities to impede the trading of financial Daesh in Iraq, and they are implementing an elaborate system to combat money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, which has helped to strengthen Iraq's ability to protect the financial system from exploitation by Kdaash terrorist groups. "
    He said the bank, saying he was "already Mr. treasury extension in the United States Embassy in Baghdad said that the Central Bank of Iraq has performed over the past year more than the actions taken for (13) years past in terms of procedures and regulations set by the central bank."

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