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    Iraqi awaits deportation by Swiss over Islamic State links


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Iraqi awaits deportation by Swiss over Islamic State links Empty Iraqi awaits deportation by Swiss over Islamic State links

    Post by jedi17 Fri 23 Dec 2016, 7:06 pm

    [size=39]Iraqi awaits deportation by Swiss over Islamic State links[/size]

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    Zurich International Airport

    Baghdad ( An Iraqi national is awaiting deportation from Switzerland over his links with the Islamic State, with authorities there saying he represents a threat to the country’s domestic and external security.
    The Federal Department for Justice and Security said Thursday the man, who is 32, remains loose even though a challenge to his deportation decision was turned down on Thursday. He, however, can submit one last challenge within 30 days.
    The deportation, based on the country’s international obligations, cannot be conducted unless it was certain the subject person would be safe from torture or any sort of abuse at the destination country, according to a statement by the department.
    The Iraqi had spent three and half years in prison, indicted of supporting a criminal organization (IS), and for recurrent instigation of illegal entry to the country, the statement explained. He was also found guilty of attempting to assist foreigners to illegally enter Switzerland, and had declined to explain the nature of his relations with the militant organization.
    He was ordered for an indefinite entry ban upon his exit from prison as per a request from intelligence services.
    His lawyer had also declined to give any information about him or the challenge to deportation.
    Islamic State leaderships in Iraq were recently reported to have directed their foreign fighters to return to their home countries and carry out terrorist attacks against remarkable targets.

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