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    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama


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    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama Empty Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama

    Post by Lobo Thu 23 Feb 2017, 6:25 pm

    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama
    Posted by Matthew Bernstein | Feb 23, 2017 | American Strength
    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama Illegal-immigrant-ICE-capture
    ICE Has Continued Their Operations And Have Captured Dangerous Illegals Ready To Be Deported
    Illegal immigration is one of those subjects that continue to be a talking point despite the obvious implications on why it needs to be halted. Liberals and Democrats want to have everyone come over to the nation, ignoring the dangers and crimes that they bring with them.
    President Donald Trump said on the campaign trail that he was going to do what he can to fix the border patrol problem. He also wants to remove all the illegals that are living in the country, starting with the ones that have violent criminal backgrounds, like sexual crimes and homicide among them.
    Various raids across the country have shown great promise in Trump’s claim. In one particular raid, about 75 percent of the illegals that were captured had criminal backgrounds. These are the people that Trump is targeting first, and he is starting to make great strides in his claim to clean up the mess.
    An extremely dangerous illegal immigrant was just caught thanks to another U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operation in North Carolina. This particular illegal has been accused of hacking two men to death with a machete in a Honduran liquor store back in 1993.
    Francisco Escobar-Orellana, a 56-year-old illegal immigrant originally from Honduras, has been arrested on Tuesday morning by his home in Hope Mills. It was only thanks to the raid conducted by ICE that this criminal was apprehended.
    Escobar had previously been arrested in North Carolina back in July of 2011 for a DUI (driving under the influence) offense. What doesn’t make sense, is why he was released at the time as Honduras had filed an arrest warrant for Escobar back in 2005.
    An ICE press release shows that Escobar was indeed a wanted man. “Mr. Escobar is wanted in Honduras pursuant to a May 2005 arrest warrant for allegedly hacking two men to death with a machete at a liquor store in 1993. Mr. Escobar subsequently unlawfully entered the United States at an unknown time/place.”
    ICE had an Atlanta-based Fugitive Operations Team assigned to them while they were conducting the operation to arrest the man. It’s a good thing to, as they were finally able to catch this monster that was released under the Obama administration for some unknown reason.
    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama Obama
    Why Did Obama Release This Dangerous Criminal?
    ICE did have a spokesman tell The Daily Caller that the agency didn’t have an encounter with Escobar before this recent arrest, including the 2011 incident. If that is the case, it still doesn’t answer the question on why he was released under the Obama administration. This was a man who had an arrest warrant for him six years prior to the 2011 incident.
    As stated earlier, President Trump and his administration have placed a special focus on apprehending those criminal illegals still in the country. Since he has taken office, Trump and his administration have assigned ICE with creating and acting on a more aggressive style to capturing these criminal illegals as opposed to the Obama administration.
    The Obama administration seemed more than content with allowing the illegals that were in the country to stay here, despite the danger that they provide to the American people. Seriously, this was a dangerous immigrant that was allowed to stay in the country.
    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama Obamacare10
    He Was More Than Happy To Keep Illegals In The Country
    Escobar was booked and placed into the Wake County detention center and is in custody. He will be extradited back to Honduras, where he will finally face charges for the two murders.
    “ICE is focused on identifying, arresting and removing public safety threats, such as convicted criminal aliens and gang members, as well as individuals who have violated our nation’s immigration laws,” said Sean Gallagher, ICE’s Atlanta field office director.”
    He later added, “ICE Fugitive Operations Teams conduct targeted enforcement operations toward these identified threats to public safety. North Carolina residents are safer today thanks to the professionalism and hard work of these dedicated officers.”
    The bottom line is that Trump’s agency is dedicated to making sure that Americans are safe from dangerous illegals like this one. For crying out loud, he is facing murder charges for killing people with a machete! Is that someone that should really stay in the country?
    Wanted Internationally Since 2005: ICE Finally Apprehends Illegal Who Ran Loose During Obama Trumpvobama
    Trump Is Getting Things Done, As Opposed To Obama
    Everyone knows that being an illegal immigrant in a nation is actually a crime. As proven by Trump’s administration, they are going to target the known illegal immigrants and get rid of them. That has come as a “shock” to illegals that are surprised they are seeing the immigration laws of the country being followed. That’s because the days of ignoring immigration law are long gone.
    It’s important that these illegals leave the country as fast as possible. Not only are they capable of doing physical harm to Americans; but also they are also capable of doing cyber harm. It was shown that illegal immigrants stole one million social security numbers from American citizens. That is one million cases of identity fraud that should have never happened.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 9:58 am