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    Jordan demands one billion dollars-debts from Iraq


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Jordan demands one billion dollars-debts from Iraq Empty Jordan demands one billion dollars-debts from Iraq

    Post by jedi17 Wed 07 Jun 2017, 6:57 pm

    Jordan demands one billion dollars-debts from Iraq
    9:00 AM  ADMIN  

    Amman/ Iraq TradeLink: Official Jordanian Central Bank's report said that the Jordanian debts on Iraq reached over one billion dollars, pointing that Amman was unable to get these debts for the last 25 years.

    Iraqi officials stated, earlier, that Iraq has no documents on these debts.

    The Jordanian Central Bank said that the debt figures reached to 1.08 billion dollars till the end of the last year, 2016.

    The bank added that these debts resulted from commercial exchange agreements and the Jordanian government was unable to collect them despite the negotiations between the two sides.

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    Iraq and Jordan had two protocols, the first was commercial and the second oil one, where Jordan will have its oil needs with preferred prices and exporting Jordanian commodities to be paid from Iraqi oil shipments.

    The two countries held a number of negotiations to close this financial dossier, but no results were reached.

    Iraq called the Jordanian authorities to hand over the frozen funds at their banks.

    On the other side, the Jordanian private sector called for paying the costs of the commodities exported according to the signed trade protocol between the two sides.

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      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:57 am