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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Council of Anbar: political conflicts have affected the work of humanitarian organizations to mainta

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Council of Anbar: political conflicts have affected the work of humanitarian organizations to mainta Empty Council of Anbar: political conflicts have affected the work of humanitarian organizations to mainta

    Post by Rocky Fri 23 Jun 2017, 3:06 am

    Council of Anbar: political conflicts have affected the work of humanitarian organizations to maintain

    16:40 - 22/06/2017

    Approved the Anbar provincial council member Mohammed Farhan al-Dulaimi, on Thursday, the impact of political conflicts in maintaining the work of humanitarian organizations intending to assist the province in the reconstruction of infrastructure.

    Dulaimi said in a statement to the agency / information / "The political conflicts in Anbar had a negative impact on the provision of assistance by the civil society organizations working to help the local government in restoring damaged infrastructure reconstruction by the military and terrorist operations."

    He added that "humanitarian organizations are always looking at a safe atmosphere to provide assistance and direct in the reconstruction of service projects and infrastructure and that these efforts are hampered by political conflicts within the local government of Anbar."

    Dulaimi said that "political conflicts are still going on in conjunction with near the provincial council elections," asserting that "the Ministry of Finance has not launched so far the province's budget, despite I said, do not meet the level of ambition, but it is capable of the reconstruction of some service projects affected by large proportions."

    It is noteworthy that Anbar province is witnessing a major political conflict reached its peak between the conservative Sahib al-Rawi and the head of the provincial council solution Karim Karbouli, because of the last bargaining chip and blackmail the governor and amounts of financial Kberh.anthy / 12 A. Methods

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