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    Deputy al-Maliki is directly responsible for the fall of Mosul

    Admin Assist
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    Deputy al-Maliki is directly responsible for the fall of Mosul Empty Deputy al-Maliki is directly responsible for the fall of Mosul

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Jul 2017, 2:25 am

    Deputy al-Maliki is directly responsible for the fall of Mosul

    Nineveh, July 22: A deputy of Ninewa province responded to statements made by Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, in which the people of Mosul counted the reason for the fall of the city of Mosul in the hands of gangs,
    "We heard a statement by Vice President Nuri al-Maliki that the people of Mosul were the ones who dropped the city of Mosul in the hands of gangs and called on the terrorists to plot between the remnants of the Baath party, the governorate, the local government and the president of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani," said Farah al-Sarraj, "He said.
    "Al-Maliki is directly responsible for the fall of Mosul and other cities because he is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, who is in charge and leadership at the time," she said.
    "This puts him directly responsible for everything that happened to the sons of Mosul from the scourge and destruction by the gangs and the terrorist," she said, adding that "the people of Mosul when they invaded the gangs of the terrorist supporters of their city were stripped of all kinds of weapons and even light arms, The sons of the city of Mosul, they were the victim of a government default was the result of handing over the entire city to criminal gangs killed tens of thousands of the finest sons and destroyed infrastructure almost completely and displaced hundreds of thousands of them.
    She pointed out that "the sectarian self, which we hear clearly in the statements of al-Maliki makes him a partisan in the section and became a protector of the Constitution and Vice President of the Republic."
    "If the numbers are 5,000, why did not the commander-in-chief of the former armed forces liberate Mosul and make us lose 27,000 civilians under the rule of the terrorist? Younis peace be upon them I know the victory, which reached the end of the ends of the earth and praised by all countries in the region. "
    "Finally, the communities of Nineveh with all its components will rebuild the city again without the need to overthrow the regime of a neighboring country because it is not our fault to interfere in the fate of the neighboring countries, every country knows its situation," she said.
    Maliki said in an interview that "the people of the city of Mosul are dropped into the hands of the terrorist, a conspiracy between the remnants of the Baath Party and the province and the local government and Massoud Barzani." Finished

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