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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    «Journal News» publishes episode 2 of the stories of the survivors of the caller

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    «Journal News» publishes episode 2 of the stories of the survivors of the caller   Empty «Journal News» publishes episode 2 of the stories of the survivors of the caller

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Aug 2017, 9:35 am

    «Journal News» publishes episode 2 of the stories of the survivors of the caller

    One day, Ibrahim Abdullah came out of his house late on Friday prayers. Armed groups grabbed him and flogged him in the middle of the street.

    "Do you believe they whipped a 60-year-old man like me, in front of the neighbors, in the middle of the street, then I entered my house and never got out of it," Ibrahim told Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. Ibrahim did not miss much, when he continued to organize people to skin people day after day. "They made us hate religion, they made us hate Islam."

    According to the Australian newspaper in its report, The Journal News, "When the Mosul mosque was entered in 2014, the civilians saluted as a kind of liberation from the Shiite government system and citizens thought that a supporter might be the solution."

    Everything was fine when he started an upbeat rule, as prices dropped, and the government continued to pay public servants to Mosul. But after several months, the situation changed, after he issued new laws and tightened the siege on civilians and punished them with death or whip them. All elements with direct contact with the government have killed all the residents of Mosul.

    He told the newspaper that a daddy fought all the means of development and technology ... There were people who knocked on one door after the other, destroying the satellite and television equipment, and on the door of the empty house a green sign of these devices, and when they arrived at our house he gave them an old device to break it with his new hide And helped them put the green mark on his house, avoiding the skin by calling them by giving them a civilian ID, using the identity of his father, who was then on his deathbed. "

    "I was a school teacher before the organization took over," said Ismael, one of Juma's neighbors. "I was trying to keep up nice relations with elements who were calling up for fear of harming my family. We have obeyed their laws. Our life was like imprisonment, but we survived."

    The newspaper said that the government stopped sending salaries to its government employees in Mosul, led to poor physical condition, one of these former employees, called "Osman," led to the opening of the vehicle Shawerma, "Osman said," I stayed more than three days without sleep , I was thinking of a way to support my family, I borrowed a car from a friend and wandered in the streets. I was trying to keep relations stable with a supportive element. I saw enough death. I would not take it in for a bad family member. "Shawarma" that I was making. "

    "I started to sell cigarettes, I wanted something to fill my spare time, if I stayed for nothing to do it for sure," said one 17-year-old Saad, who told reporters that his cousin had joined Daash and urged him to join. Fatal and boring in Mosul under the rule of organization, they grabbed me five times, punished me five times, and the last was the most terrible. "

    "The last time they sentenced me to death, they sent me with 50 other people to a playground. I was waiting for my fate with 50 other detainees. I realized that this was my last moment. I watched people cutting their heads. And the organization was burying the dead in one pit with piles. Fortunately my cousin was among the elements that day. He continued to press one of the leaders until he released me at the last moment. How strange is that? If my cousin was not in the organization, I would be dead now, but he is now dead. "

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