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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington includes more than 30 leaders in the list of terrorists, including two Iraqis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Washington includes more than 30 leaders in the list of terrorists, including two Iraqis Empty Washington includes more than 30 leaders in the list of terrorists, including two Iraqis

    Post by Rocky Sat 19 Aug 2017, 2:33 am

    Washington includes more than 30 leaders in the list of terrorists, including two Iraqis

    WASHINGTON, Aug 18 (AFP) - The US State Department announced on Friday the inclusion of more senior leaders on the terrorism list, freezing their assets and interests in the United States and preventing them from entering into deals with them.
    The list included in a statement of the US State Department two of the leadership leaders, namely (Ahmed Khalid) and (Abu Yahya Iraqi).
    "Ahmed al-Khaled, a Syrian national, is an explosives maker and responsible for the deaths of many civilians in Europe, including Americans, where he was an explosives official in the terrorist cell that planned the November 2015 attacks in Paris and the March 2016 attacks in Brussels, Under a European arrest warrant issued against him. "
    Abu Yahya al-Iraqi, known as Iyad Hamed al-Jumaili, a senior leader of the terrorist group, played a key role in the security of the leader of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who is responsible for security in Iraq and Syria.
    In addition to the inclusion of a supporter in the list of foreign terrorist organizations, the State Department has included more than 30 commanders and field component of the list of terrorists. Finished

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:52 am