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    International report classifies Iraq as the most dangerous country in money laundering

    Admin Assist
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    International report classifies Iraq as the most dangerous country in money laundering Empty International report classifies Iraq as the most dangerous country in money laundering

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Sep 2017, 4:12 am

    International report classifies Iraq as the most dangerous country in money laundering

    10:10 - 16/09/2017

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    A specialized international financial report classified Iraq as the most dangerous Arab and global money laundering country in 2017.
    Iraq ranked first in the index issued by the Basel Institute of Governance in the sixth annual edition as the most dangerous country in the Arab and global in the field of money laundering.
    Jordan was the first Arab country to combat money laundering, followed by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Bahrain, UAE, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen and Lebanon.
    The Institute ranked 146 countries on the index according to their level of risk based on the quality of the AML / CFT framework in each country, as well as other relevant factors such as levels of corruption, financial sector standards and transparency.
    The report is based on 14 sub-indices that are equally weighted in each country's score among the 10 most dangerous countries and zero to the least serious.
    The first 10 countries, the most dangerous of all, are low-income countries, half of which are in sub-Saharan Africa, while the rest are in Central and Eastern, South Asia and the Middle East.
    None of the ten most dangerous nomads plays a major role as a global financial center or as a global provider of financial services, the report said.
    The Basel index only refers to the level of risk in each country and does not in any way measure the actual presence of money-laundering activity or amounts of illegal financial funds within a given country.
    The report pointed out that the global average of the index reached 6.15 this year, compared to 5.85 last year, with Jordan achieving a better rate than the world average by 4.90. Ending / 25

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