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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions Empty The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Dec 2017, 3:04 am

     The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions

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    The Central Bank of Iraq, he has fully adopted the process of payment of financial benefits through the electronic payment system, pointing out that the Central Bank will ask the Secretariat General Council of Ministers to approve the ministries electronic deal.
    The Director of the Information Office, Acer Jabbar in an exclusive interview with "Economy News", "The Central Bank adopted the methodology of electronic payment in all the benefits and payments of its own, including the committees of procurement, repairs and transportation," noting that "the process has become a prerequisite for the transfer of funds required for a bank account According to the choice of the beneficiary. "
    He noted that "a step towards the transformation of society from paper dealing to electronic dealing."
    He added that "the Central Bank will ask the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to adopt the electronic deal as a context in all ministries and state institutions." He explained that "the aim of this trend is to reduce monetary transactions, which gives transparency for all financial operations that occur in ministries, especially in procurement and processing.

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    Posts : 1858
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions Empty Re: The Central Bank intends to ask the ministries to use electronic payment in daily transactions

    Post by Proven Wed 06 Dec 2017, 5:32 am

    Thanks Rocky.

    This is the anti-corruption campaign in conjunction with economic development:

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