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    New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel Empty New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Jan 2018, 2:09 am

    [size=30]New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel[/size]
    03/01/2018 10:56 | Number of readings: 1
    font size:  New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel Font_decrease  New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel Font_enlarge
     New expectations, high oil prices to $ 60 a barrel Thumbnail.php?file=Oil_quo_vadis__Cover_182345534
    Trend Press / Continue
    LONDON (Reuters) - US oil giant Moody's Investors Service expects oil prices to range between $ 40 and $ 60 a barrel by 2018, adding that the abundance of US natural gas supplies will curb prices even as demand rises.
    "Prices are likely to remain limited, and may fluctuate, due to a combination of increased US rock production, reduced global supplies but still large, and potential non-compliance with agreed production cuts," Moody's said in a statement read by Trend Press. , Especially if demand growth is slower. "
    Moody's said oil prices rose in late 2017, backed by expectations that OPEC would expand production cuts and "political unrest" in the Middle East.
    Oil prices have risen more than 30 per cent since OPEC agreed with independent producers to restrict production from January 2017 and producers extended the deal last month until the end of 2018. "
    The average price of US light crude is expected to reach $ 55.78 a barrel this year, up from last November's forecast of $ 54.78 a barrel.
    Moody's is a holding company, founded by John Moody in 1909, in New York. Moody's has a portfolio of investors that conducts economic research, financial analysis and valuation of private and government institutions in terms of financial and credit strength. Moody's controls almost 40% Of the world's credit rating market . "

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 9:46 am