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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi's policy warns of repeating the "catastrophe" of the military collapse and the fall of the ci

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Abadi's policy warns of repeating the "catastrophe" of the military collapse and the fall of the ci Empty Abadi's policy warns of repeating the "catastrophe" of the military collapse and the fall of the ci

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Mar 2018, 3:13 am

    Abadi's policy warns of repeating the "catastrophe" of the military collapse and the fall of the cities by the hand of the dhim[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    Shafak News / Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, warned of repeated collapse of the Iraqi army and the fall of cities, but the organization is urging. 
    The talk of Abadi came on the sidelines of a meeting with a delegation from the people of the area of ​​laboratories in Baghdad, which witnessed widespread protests over poor services. 
    "We have overcome the challenge of terrorism and the occupation of our cities in light of the financial and economic crisis and the massive military spending," he said. 
    According to a statement from his office, Abadi expressed his surprise at the publication of false victories against our forces and at the expense of the security of the homeland and citizens. He wondered why we are turning into tools by calling for the publication of false information such as the killing of a number of soldiers in Anbar.
    He called on "to unite all Iraqis in order to prevent the recurrence of the disaster of military and security collapse and the fall of the provinces." In reference to the control of the organization calling on more than one third of Iraq in the summer of 2014 after the collapse of the army. 
    Despite the defeat of a military organization in Iraq, terrorists continue to launch frequent attacks in different parts of the country, particularly in Kirkuk. 
    The organization continues to set up ambushes on the road between Kirkuk and Baghdad, where photographs of the execution of 13 members of the popular crowd were detained last Wednesday. 
    The organization claimed through its propaganda means that between February 19 and March 21, the guerrillas killed and wounded 103 government troops, including a lieutenant and a regiment commander, and captured 13 others, as well as the destruction of more than 12 military vehicles, a bus and an oil tanker.
    "The Iraqi leadership can not eliminate the terrorists in Kirkuk, despite its weekly security operations against the insurgents," said Channel4, a specialist in tracking field developments in hot spots across Telgram. 
    The observers pointed out that the discovery of government forces weapons stores and ammunition to "Daash" does not significantly affect the combat capabilities of the militants, adding that the organization uses a network of sleeping elements and local people loyal to him in the planning of attacks in the province.

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